Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mark 5

V Jesus heals a demon possessed man, a bleeding woman, and a dead girl
A. vs 1-20 Jesus heals the Demoniac of the Gadarenes
1. vs 1-5 Jesus meets the demon possessed man
2. vs 6-8 The demons do not want Jesus to torture them
3. vs 9-10 Jesus gets the demons' name
4. vs 11-13 Jesus sends the demons into some pigs
5. vs 14-17 The surrounding people ask Jesus to leave
6. vs 18-20 Jesus tells the man to stay and testify to what God did for him
B. vs 21-43 Jesus heals a sick woman and a dead girl
1. vs 21-24 Jairus asks Jesus to heal his daughter
2. vs 25-29 A woman touches Jesus' cloak in order to be healed
3. vs 30-31 Jesus wants to know who touched Him
4. vs 32-34 The woman shows herself to Jesus
5. vs 35-36 Jairus is told his daughter is dead and Jesus tells him to just believe
6. vs 37-40 Jesus tells the mourners that the girl is asleep and they laugh at Him
7. vs 41-43 Jesus raises the girl from the dead

Daughter, your faith has healed you
Mark 5:34

I have to confess that I have always been a little unsure of how healings happen. I know they do happen because I see them in Scripture and I have seen them happen right in front of me. But the mechanics of it have always puzzled me. In this verse we see the woman taking all the initiative to come to Jesus and is even told that it is her faith that healed her. This sounds almost like heresy! Isn't healing a sovereign work of God? How much of my healing depends on my faith? Obviously my faith is of some importance but I have known lots of people who have believed for healings and didn't get them. Was there something wrong with their faith? I think the answer lies somewhere in the middle. The faith we have is an important component in whether or not we are healed but not the only part. We cannot be healed outside of the Will of God. What I mean is no matter what our faith is, if God does not want to heal us, He won't. I know some say that God always wants to heal us and that may be His perfect will, not it is obviously not His permissive will or we would all be healed all the time. He allows trials and sickness in our lives sometimes because it's what is best for His purpose for our lives. We may not know on this side of life why we are going through things but we will see with perfect clarity when we are with Him in Glory. In the meantime, have faith and believe God for the best and who knows? He might bring the healing you are seeking.

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