Sunday, March 16, 2008

1 Corinthians 16

XVI Odds and Ends
A. vs 1-4 Instructions for taking up an offering
B. vs 5-9 Paul will stay in Corinth as he passes through Macedonia
C. vs 10-11 Paul tells the church to take car of Timothy
D. vs 12-14 Do everything in love
E. vs 15-18 Paul gives recognition to the household of Stephanas
F. vs 19-24 Paul closes the letter

What did I learn?
This is where I want to go teach about Spiritual Gifts. (Even more than Acts 2)
Paul said to follow him as he followed Christ (I don't think I would ever say that)
We should examine ourselves before communion (Have I ever heard this taught?)
Love, love, love (and more love)
I should eagerly desire spiritual gifts (How do cessationists get past this verse)
Worship services should involve more people using their gifts (How should this be incorporated in today's church?)
He is Risen (He is risen indeed!)
and finally, Paul went to Ephesus because he knew many people would oppose him (and called it a great door for effective work!)

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