Saturday, July 5, 2008

John 4

IV Jesus in Samaria, Jesus Heals an officials son
A vs 1-38 Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
1. vs 1-3 Jesus leaves Judea to return to Galilee when the Pharisees learn that His disciples are baptizing more people than John the Baptist
2. vs 4-6 Jesus travels through Samaria and rests near Jacob's well
3. vs 7-8 A Samaritan woman comes to the well and Jesus asks her for water
4. vs 9 The woman asks why He is talking to her because she is a Samaritan and a woman
5. vs 10 Jesus says that if she knew who He was she would be asking Him for water, Living Water
6. vs 11-12 She is unclear on how Jesus would get this Living Water
7. vs 13-14 Jesus says whoever drinks this water will never thirst again
8. vs 15-18 Jesus tells her to get her husband then tells her He knows she has had five husbands and is not married now
9. vs 19-24 Jesus tells her that where you worship is not important but how you worship is
10. vs 25-26 Jesus tells her that He is the Messiah
B. vs 27-38 The disciples show back up
1. vs 27-30 The disciples return and the woman goes back to town and tells people about Jesus
2. vs 31-33 The disciples want Jesus to eat and Jesus says He has food that they don't know about
3. vs 34-38 Jesus says the fields are ripe to be harvested
C. vs 39-42 The Samaritans come and believe that Jesus is the Messiah
D. vs 43-54 Jesus Heals an Official's Son
1. vs 43-45 Jesus returns to Galilee
2. vs 46-47 A royal official came to Jesus and asked if He would heal his son
3. vs 48-50 Jesus says the man's son will live
4. vs 51-54 The man finds out his son was healed exactly when Jesus said he would be so him and his entire house believe

Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:21-24

I have been going through something when it comes to worship. Obviously the point of this passage is that where you worship is not important but how. We must worship "in spirit and truth" but what does that mean? I think "spirit" is in contrast to the locations mentioned before. We no longer have to travel to a particular mountain to worship but it can be done anywhere at any time. It is the 'truth" that gives me pause. I know that this means our worship must be theologically accurate. Our chorus' should reflect who God is and who we are. Doctrine should be sung as well as taught. In fact our songs should reinforce the teaching from the pulpit. My problem is I have spent so long in small-minded, repetitive worship music I wonder if this music is even out there and how I can get my hands on some. I want music that makes God look Big and High and Holy and Majestic and causes our souls to worship by reminding us of His many attributes and characteristics. I want the old Hymns but at the same time I want the contemporary music. I like drums. And electric guitar. and bass guitar. Surely someone has taken these two worlds and mashed them together.

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