As any small blogger can tell you, there is a world of difference between running a blog in your spare time and having a blog popular enough to support you working on it full-time. Most bloggers I know would love to able to have a blog make the kind of money that would justify it becoming their sole source of income but they tend to shoot themselves in the foot with mental errors. Here’s a few common errors that small bloggers make that keep them from growing at the speed they want.
1. They don’t use alt tags on their media.
I’ve told the story before of how my wife’s blog still gets traffic every week from people searching for MC Hammer pants on Google Image search. She did a post years ago and included a pic of some MC Hammer style pants and labeled it as such and she gets people almost every day from that source alone. Granted it’s not the most targeted traffic but I can guarantee you it has exposed her blog to people outside of her normal traffic circles. If you use a picture or a video clip, make sure you use descriptive alt-tags so Google knows what the heck it is. Over time I guarantee that this tip alone will bring you extra traffic.
2. They use ugly formatting.
All the great SEO in the world won’t help you if when people come to your site, their eyes are met with a wall of text. No one wants to work to read what you’ve written. Use your Heading formats and the occasional bold or italics to make something pop out. Use formatting to draw your reader’s eye to what you want them to see and they will be more inclined to return.
3. They don’t promote their posts well.
You may have the best post in the world but if no one knows, no one will care. Use services like Digg or Stumble Upon to tell people about your post. Use Twitter and include appropriate hashtags and post it on your FaceBook page. (Don’t have a FaceBook page? That’s a whole other post.) There’s a ton of ways to promote your posts, find out what works for you and use it!
What mistakes have you made or seen others make? Leave a comment and let me know.
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