So far we’ve looked at Keyword research and On-site optimization, today we look at ways you can make your site rank for your keyword with off-site methods. But before that I need to clear up one thing that was brought to my attention, when I say that you should write posts that use your keywords I’m not suggesting that is all you should do. You should continue to put out the same content you have been but you should also sprinkle in the occasional post that is targeted for your keyword phrase. What this does is keep your regular readers happy, (you are still putting out great content) but brings in new readers as well from the Search Engine results. It’s also important to remember that if you like getting ad revenue from your site (and who doesn’t) far more visitors from Google searches click on ads than regular readers, that’s why it is important to always have a steady stream of first-time visitors. There are a few helpful discussions of this on my BlogFrog page. Now, on to off-site optimization!
Articles are an easy method of getting a backlink that is targeted to your keyword phrase. All you do is sign up for an article hosting website like E-zine articles. There are a lot of them out there but E-zine seems to be the most trusted but I have seen a lot of success with a few others like Squidoo or ArticlesBase. Once you sign up write an article (or a series of articles) that talks about your keyword phrase, then put a link to your site in the “About Author” section. Ideally the anchor text in the link should also be the keyword phrase you are focused on. For instance, let’s say you’ve done your research and found that the keyword phrase you want to focus on is “crochet baby bonnets”. (I’ve picked this phrase because I know nothing about it and am not really sure I spelled it right.) You would write a series of articles with with titles like “Unusual ways to crochet baby bonnets”, “5 ways to crochet baby bonnets”, or “What to consider before you crochet baby bonnets”; then in the “About Author” section you would say something like “Jane Blow has been crocheting baby bonnets (That would be linked) and other clothes for years. Read more about crocheting (or baby bonnets, whatever) at” I know of one woman in particular that has a website that is an affiliate site for a relationship advice product, all she does is after sending her kids off to school, she writes a new article every day about some aspect of her product and includes a link back to her site. She says it’s a rare day that she doesn’t make $300-$400 through her site, she’s been so consistent and so focused for so long that she is reaping the benefits every day.
Another great way to get a link back to your site with your keyword phrase is to comment on other people’s sites, you just need to keep two things in mind. First, your comment can’t be stupid. Someone put time and effort into that post so read what they wrote and give good feedback. No one likes a spammer. Second, the most helpful way to get a backlink to your site is to use your keyword phrase as your name. Generally most comboxes will ask for your name, email, and website and will link your name to your website so if you put your keyword phrase into the “name” box you will get a link to your site that uses your keyword phrase as the anchor text. You should set a goal of at least one or two comments a day with links back to your site, this will force you to interact with other sites and keep tabs on your competition as well. An easy way to find places to leave comments is to set up a Google Alert for your keyword and you will get a daily email of other blogs and websites that are relevant for your phrase.
Ask for Backlinks
One of the easiest ways to get backlinks is to just ask for them. If you are active enough in your niche that you’ve built up a relationship with others, ask them to link back to you with your keyword as the anchor text. Make it easy for them by writing a great article and then ask for a favor, the worst they can do is say no.
What methods do you use for off-site SEO? Come join the conversation at the SEO Assistant BlogFrog page.
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