Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Market Like A Dog: Remind your readers of what's important

As I am writing this, we are in the middle a huge ice storm that has kept us from going outside and we are all getting a little stir-crazy especially poor Molly.  It looks like a field mouse has gotten on to our back porch so Molly is going crazy barking at it through the back door then barking at us to go kill it. (or maybe she wants to play with it, I’m not sure.)  When I went outside to try to find it the dutiful dog pointed out where she had last seen it, then hid between my legs.  My hero.  But this is a good segue to the next marketing tip we can glean from my mutt, she never fails to remind me when there is something that I need to do with her or for her. (like catch a mouse!)  And this is something she is very good at!  If I go too long without throwing the ball for her she will go get the ball, drop it in my lap and stare at me.  If she needs to go to the bathroom she will go to the backdoor and bark.  And God help me if I forget to walk her!  She is very good at giving me constant cues telling me the next thing that needs to be done and I’m actually grateful for it because I don’t like cleaning carpets!


What do your readers need to do next?

One of the most helpful services we can give our readers is to remind them of the little things that fall through the cracks.  Whatever your product is or service you provide, it is helpful to spur your readers on to action or just remind them of the next step they need to take.  For Instance, in the SEO business the one thing I find myself constantly pushing is backlinks so if I can remind my clients to try to get two backlinks today or exchange links with someone in their niche then they will accomplish the goals we’ve set.  If I can find creative and different ways to accomplish this then everyone wins.  In another example, say you have a blog that exchanges recipes, what can you do to inspire your followers to post new and interesting recipes?  What if you ran a contest rewarding the most interesting ingredient or the best photo of the finished meal?  Ramping up to the contest you could have short posts reminding people of the upcoming contest or send out reminders to your email list.  Just as I was writing this I received an email from Splenda advertising all their sugar-free recipes on their site for Valentine’s Day, in one email I was both reminded that Valentine’s Day was approaching and told what to do for it.   A great reminder at an opportune time!


Think it through

What do you want your readers to do next?  What will benefit them the most?  What do they need to be reminded of and how can you help?  Think these things through and come up with a plan to help then make sure you have every avenue available to help your readers.  Make sure everyone is following you on FaceBook, Twitter, email, text, and whatever way is out there to get your message to them.  Remind the right person at the right time of the right thing and they will follow you forever.


What are ways you have been reminded of the little things over the years that you have found helpful?  Come to my BlogFrog page and tell everyone!
all previous posts in this series.
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