Friday, February 22, 2008

Mark 6

VI The Feeding of the Five Thousand
A. vs 1-6 A prophet is without honor in His own hometown
1. vs 1-2 Jesus begins to teacj in His hometown synagogue
2. vs 2-3 The people are offended by His teaching
3. vs 4-6 Jesus is amazed by their lack of faith
B. vs 6-13 Jesus sends out the Twelve Apostles
1. vs 6-7 Jesus sends out the Twelve with authority over evil spirits
2. vs 8-11 Jesus gives instructions for their journey
3. vs 12-13 They preached, anointed and delivered many people
C. vs 14-29 John the Baptist is murdered
1. vs 14-15 When people begin to hear of His miracles they compare Him to John the Baptist
2. vs 16 Herod thinks Jesus is John returned from the dead
3. vs 17-20 Herod imprisoned John because he preached against Herod's taking his brother's wife
4. vs 21-23 The daughter of Herodias dances for Herod and Herod tells her she can have anything she wants
5. vs 24-25 Herodias tells her daughter to ask for the head of John the Baptist
6. vs 26-29 John is beheaded and his disciples came and take the body for burial
D. vs 30-44 Jesus feeds the Five Thousand
1. vs 30-31 Jesus pulls His Disciples away to rest
2. vs 32-34 The crowd follows and Jesus begins to teach them
3. vs 35-36 The disciples tell Jesus to send the people away so they can eat
4. vs vs 37 Jesus tells the Disciples to feed them and the Disciple say it would cost to much
5. vs 38-44 Jesus takes the few supplies they have and uses them to miraculously feed all the people there
E. vs 45-56 Jesus Walks on the Water
1. vs 45-46 Jesus sends His disciples away by boat and goes on a mountaintop to pray
2. vs 47-50 Jesus walks on the water to the boat and scares the disciples
3. vs 50-52 He tells them to not be afraid and gets in to the boat
4. vs 53-56 When they land the crowd again asks Him to heal their sick

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