Friday, November 12, 2010

How to create an SEO plan for your site Pt 1

Most people start a site with very little thought given to SEO.  They have a passion and want to start writing and sharing and they assume that eventually they will get a following.  And sometimes that’s exactly what happens!  Other times their efforts fall into the static of all the other blogs out there and languish in obscurity.  Fortunately, with a  little planning you can get your blog noticed by more people and begin to see some fruit from your labors.  The important thing is to have a plan for your site and then follow through.  For the next few posts, we are going to look at how to implement a step-by-step plan and what you can do to increase the Search Engine traffic for your site.

Do Keyword research

The first step is to figure out what keywords you want to do focus on.  There are a number of tools out there to help with this.  If you have a little money to spend (or can get all your research done within the free trial limit) you should go with Market Samurai, a very powerful and easy to use app that makes market research very easy.

If you don’t go that route, then make use of the old standby; Google Keyword Research Tool.  It’s very easy to use and gives good results.

Step 1 Select a Keyword

Go to the Keyword tool home page and type in a phrase that has something to do with your site.  This could be anything but you want to be a little vague so you can see the range of options it brings up.  For this example, I’ve typed in “Mommy blog”

Google Keyword

Step 2 Take a look at the results.

Keyword result

The first column you want to look at is the “Competition” column.  The less green in the result bar, the less competition for that phrase.  I was actually surprised to see that that for the most part this is an underserved niche.  There is very little competition for virtually every relevant keyphrase.  In other words, with a little focus and determination you could get your blog at the top of the Google results pages for some very lucrative search terms.

You also want to look at the number of searches for that term.  It doesn’t matter if you focus on a low-competition keyword if nobody is searching for it.  For instance “redneck mommy blog” has no competition but nobody is searching for it so don’t focus on it.  On the other hand, “baby blog” gets a ridiculous number of searches and has no competition.  In fact, if you go to the Google results page for that term there’s stuff that probably shouldn’t be there. (A fake blog from an Office character that has two posts in the last 6 months?  Practically begging someone to take its place on the results page)

Your Homework

Play around with the Keyword Tool and find some keyword phrases that fit your blog, are low competition and have a good number of searches.  You should have a list of 3-5 keyword phrases and rank them in the order you want to focus on them and next time we will look at what to do with them.  In the mean time, I’m interested in any SEO plans you have for your site and what has happened with them.  Please go to my BlogFrog forum and answer the question, your input will be very helpful as we move forward.  Thanks!

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