Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I just got finished watching the movie "Juno". If you haven't seen it the main gist of the movie is a 16 year old girl gets pregnant, decides against abortion and chooses to give the baby up for adoption. All in all the movie is pretty good but there was one scene in particular that really struck me as being very true. When she tells her parents about the pregnancy, her dad says that he is surprised because he thought she was the kind of girl who "knew when to say when". Her reply is "Dad, I don't really know what kind of girl I am".
This is way too true for way to many teenagers. No one is telling them what kind of person they should be and what it means to be conformed to the image of Christ so they are just being whatever they feel like being. I was listening to a young lady on the radio explain why she left the church when she went to college. She said she wanted to experience college in all its fullness and she knew she couldn't do that and call herself a christian. She left the church only to return upon graduation. Can a saved person wander away like that then wander back? No! We either love Christ or we don't. We are either commited or we are not. I don't think there a pew-warming christians, you are bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God or you are lost. This is the message that needs to be preached so our young people hear it. How will they know what God requires if they never hear about it? Again, it all goes back to solid, biblical doctrine being preached passionately and consistantly.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mark 2

I'm finally caught up. All three seasons of Battlestar Galactica, the 4 hour pilot, and BSG:Razor, all watched and thoroughly enjoyed. It is easy to see why so many people watch it and I am really looking forward to the final season. Although, how convenient is it that there is a Cylon in the most important positions in the fleet. The XO? The President's assistant? The Chief Engineer? Starbuck's husband? This stretches credibility a tad but I guess it's not exciting if it's some low level muckity-muck.

II Jesus continues to heal; call disciples; teach
A. vs 1-17 Jesus heals the paralytic that is lowered through the roof
1. vs 1-5 Jesus travels to Capernaum; a paralytic's friends lower him through the roof where Jesus is teaching
2. vs 6-7 Other teachers of the law take offensive to Jesus telling the paralytic that his sins are forgiven
3. vs 8-12 Jesus proves His authority to forgive sins by healing the paralytic
B. vs 13-17 Jesus calls Levi (Matthew)
1. vs 13-14 Jesus calls Levi out of the tax collectors booth
2. vs 15-17 Matthew gives a dinner for Jesus and invites his tax collector friends
C. vs 18-22 Jesus explains why His disciples are not fasting
1. vs 18-20 His disciples won't fast until He leaves them
2. vs 21-22 Do not put a new patch on old cloth or new wine in old wineskins
D. vs 23-28 Jesus explains why it is OK for His disciples to pick grain on the Sabbath
1. vs 23-24 The disciple pick grain and offend the Pharasees
2. vs 25-26 Jesus gives the example of David eating the shewbread to justify His disciples actions
3. vs 27-28 Jesus explains that the Sabbath is meant to serve man, not the other way around

On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
Mark 2:17

This verse is interesting to me because the Bible makes it so clear in other places that there is "none righteous, no not one". If Jesus came to deal with sinners He certainly came to the right place, but who are these righteous people He is referring to? This has to mean that He is calling the ones who think they are sinners as opposed to those why think they are righteous. This illustrates how deadly the sin of pride is. It is pride that blinds us to our own sinfulness and keeps us from rightly assessing ourselves by His standards. This why it is so important when sharing your faith to show people where they stand in relationship to the Law of God. This helps break through the wall of pride and shows people the depth of sin they wallow in. We all think we are good people because we measure ourselves by the standard of other "good" people. When put next to these people I don't look so bad, but when measured against the law I see I'm not even close. I might as well try jumping to the moon or swimming to the bottom of the deepest part of the Pacific. When I see myself in this light, as a sinner in desperate need of God's grace, that's when He calls me, that's when I can hear His voice.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Mark 1

Well the first thing you realize after reading epistles for weeks then jumping to a gospel is that the chapters are MUCH longer in the gospels. However, I sometimes enjoy reading the stories of what Jesus did more than the sometimes drier theology in the epistles. The gospels usually have a little more drama than other New Testament books.

I Jesus begins His ministry
A. vs 1-8 John the Baptist prepares Israel for the coming Messiah
1. vs 1-3 John's coming is prophesied by Isaiah
2. vs 4-8 Judea and Jerusalem respond to John's teaching
B. vs 9-13 Jesus is Baptized and Tempted
1. vs 9-11 Baptism and Annunciation of Christ
2. vs 12-13 Jesus goes to the desert for 40 days and is tempted by Satan
C. vs 14-20 Jesus begins public ministry; Begins calling Disciples
1. vs 14-15 Jesus begins ministry with a call to repent
2. vs 16-18 Jesus calls Peter and Andrew
3. vs 19-20 Jesus calls James and John
D. vs 21-28 The people marvel at His teaching
1. vs 21-26 Jesus casts a demon out of a man
2. vs 27-28 News of Christ begins to spread
E. vs 29-34 Jesus continues to heal
1. vs 29-31 Jesus heals Peter's Mother-in-Law
2. vs 32-34 Jesus heals all who gather at Peter's door
F. vs 35-39 Jesus gives reason why He came
1. vs 35-37 Jesus goes off to pray
2. vs 38-39 Jesus came to preach
G. vs 40-45 Jesus heals a man with leprosy
1. vs 40-42 A man begs Him to heal him of his leprosy
2. vs 43-45 The man tells everyone what Christ did and makes it difficult to enter a town

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.
Mark 1:35

Every time I read verses like this one that make Christ's discipline in the area of prayer so apparent, I always feel a pang of guilt because I know that this is one area of my own walk that is sorely lacking. Oh I pray, but not with the discipline and joy that Christ found. Never with the sense of Divine Communion that I'm sure He felt. My mind wanders, I'm unfocused, there is little of the sense that I am touching God's heart. I've taught and been taught on the subject of prayer many times but I always feel like I'm missing something. That there should be something more. I think if there was a Mount of Transfiguration moment every time I went into my prayer time, I would do little else but pray. Perhaps if there were spiritual fireworks, maybe a burning bush, or even some one-on-one time with a God I could touch, prayer would be no problem. It would be a joy, something earnestly looked forward to. Instead, there is silence. But every once in a while, I see something. God answers a prayer in a blatantly obvious way. A decision is made by someone I have been praying for. Someone is healed. A blessing arrives at just the right time. That's when I know. No prayer goes unanswered. The Heavens are not brass. God is not deaf. God is not powerless to move. He is working in us and with us and loves to answer the prayers of his people. When that happens, prayer does become a joy. I do look forward to my prayer time. Perhaps I should pray that I remember those times more readily.

Another week

Done with another week. Titus was very good but covered a lot of the same ground as the two letters to Timothy. Philemon was interesting but I always found it a little manipulative of Paul. Perhaps I should look at it the other way and see the lengths we should go to for a friend. For some reason I put myself in Philemon's place and almost take offensive for him, instead of Onesimus' place and see what Paul was willing to write for him. So, what did I learn.

Titus was given a mission to accomplish on Crete. (What is my mission?)

Leadership must meet qualifications. (Saves a lot of heartache in the future, I'm sure)

Some claim to know God but deny Him by their actions (By their fruit...)

Paul list exactly what Titus should teach and to whom. (Then is given the freedom on how exactly to get the message across)

Don't let anyone despise you. (Easier said than done sometimes)

The Gospel causes people to devote themselves to doing good (How will the people know what God requires of them if the Pastors do not tell them)

The sharing of your faith allows a full understanding of the Gospel (No wonder so many Christians are so shallow theologically)

Good stuff! I think tomorrow I want to start a Gospel. Perhaps Mark. Til then.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Teach Doctrine to Youth

He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.
Titus 1:9

Here Paul is telling Titus what the qualifications are for someone who will be placed in a position of leadership. It begs the question, shouldn't we (as leaders) be training our children in sound doctrine? I don't mean just in the home but shouldn't that be the goal of children's and Youth programs? Why do so many people believe that teenagers can't comprehend good doctrine so you shouldn't try to teach it? I think we are shooting ourselves in the foot because at some point we are going to have to turn the reins of ministry over to the next generation and we need to be sure that there will be a next generation with sound doctrine there to take them. I was doing the math in my head the other day and realized something that really scared me. Our Youth program meets every two weeks. The average youth is in the youth program for 6 years (ages 13-18). That's 26 Youth meetings a year, times 6 years, equals 156. That's only about 150 chances to make sure that they have what they need from me for life and Godliness and sound doctrine. (I know they have parents and a Senior Pastor to teach them as well, but I was thinking just in terms of Youth Ministry). Why waste a lot of time with fluff? Why not make it a point to cover foundational truths, meaty doctrines, Law and Gospel, and what ever else is needed instead of How to Deal with Peer Pressure, or How to be a Good Person or some variation on these themes every youth meeting. Teenagers are smart enough to take in whatever you take the time to teach them. Be Bold and Teach the Word!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I Paul's letter to Philemon concerning Onesimus
A. vs 1-3 Opening greetings
B. vs 4-7 Paul thanks God for Philemon
C. vs 8-11 Paul appeals to Philemon for Onesimus
D. vs 12-16 Paul explains why he is sending Onesimus back
E. vs 17-21 Paul tells Philemon to welcome back Onesimus as he would welcome back Paul
F. vs 22-25 Paul will return to visit Philemon later

I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.
Philemon 6

God uses the act of sharing our faith to more fully open up our understanding of the good things we have in Christ. I have had it happen several times where I am sharing my faith and God gives insight on what to say, or prompts me to take a conversation to a place I normally don't. I always walk away from those encounters with a special sense of peace about what happened and a better understanding that it is God working in me as I am obedient to His Word. I remember the first time something like this happened. We were at Youth Camp in Florida and had taken a trip down to the beach with all the teenagers. Some of my youth had struck up a conversation with two older boys that were already there. When I noticed this I went over to kind of eavesdrop to make sure they weren't in over their head. Eventually I got dragged in to the conversation and in the course of it I was able to answer questions I had never previously given any thought to, and came up with new explanations for what God required of us. It was really a unique time and I knew that God was holding my hand in a sense, walking me through that witnessing encounter. At the end I had a better understanding of the fact that He will never leave or forsake us. That's not just a promise for the here-after but a reality for everyday. As we are bold to obey His Word, he is faithful to give us the ability to see it through.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Titus 3

III We used to be evil but now we are good because of His mercy
A. vs 1-2 Paul reminds how the saved should act
B. vs 3-8 God saved us because of His mercy
C. vs 9-11 Warn divisive people
D. vs 12-15 Final Remarks

Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives.
Titus 3:14

It is a privilege to work. The very act of providing for our family is God-honoring when it is done for God's glory. We show ourselves to be worthy of the grace that has been given to us when we in turn devote ourselves to doing good and living productive lives. To be faithful with the gifts He has given us, to be able to give something back to society, shows the light of Christ to the world. We have not been given the promise of Heaven to neglect the Earth, but rather the promise of Heaven motivates us to improve and contribute to the Earth.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Titus 2

II Paul tells us what to teach to various people
A. vs 1-2 What to teach older men
B. vs 3-5 What to teach plder women
C. vs 6-8 What to teach young men
D. vs 9-10 What to teach slaves
E. vs 11-15 What the Gospel does for us while we wait for His return

Rather than pull out one particular verse to write about I think I will discuss the entire chapter. Here is a very concise list of what pastors should focus on when leading specific groups of people. These verses should probably be at the foundation of men's groups, women's groups, youth groups, etc… These are the things that we must instill in the lives of those we lead. To be self-controlled, worthy of respect, temperate, etc. Because these are the qualities of a life that honors God and places Him foremost in our lives. These are the qualities that the world is looking for to see if there really is a difference in living for Christ. These are the qualities we must have if we are to have any credibility in the world.

One theme that comes up three times in this passage is self-control. To be followers of Christ we must crucify our flesh. We must deny the things our old nature wants and cling to what is good. Not what we think is good but what has been defined as good by the Scriptures. Putting off the weight that so easily entangles us and finding pleasure in the commands of God. Enjoying what He asks us to do and loving even the hard things because we a convinced they are for our good.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Titus 1

The start of a new week and a new Bible study. This week it’s Titus and Philemon. As I’m working through 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus, its really been fun to see the requirements for leadership in the Church. Paul lays out some very specific things we must adhere to. They are good guidelines for anyone but absolute necessities for leadership.

I Requirements for and Expectations of Leadership
vs 1-4 Opening greeting
vs 5-9 Paul list qualities needed for leaders
vs 10-16 Silence rebellious people, mere talkers and deceivers

To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.
Titus 1:15-16

This is a reality that I have seen many times in Youth Ministry. To the pure all things are pure. There are no double entendres in their speech, no flirtatious glances, no clothes that do not cover or are too tight, no course jesting, etc… When worldly people see these kids they are quickly written off as naïve but there is something else going on. A purity that comes from God and is the natural consequence of keeping their heart clear of all the sin and trash that that infects so many of the youth of today. It is so dangerous for a youth to “claim to know God, but by their actions … deny Him”. The Bible says these are “detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good”. I don’t ever want any teenager that I minister to, to be thought of in these terms. This is why it’s so important to challenge youth in personal holiness and to greater heights of devotion to God.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

2 Timothy 2

Here I am at the end of another week of studying God’s Word. I wish that I had thought of this sooner. I have learned so much more by staying on one passage of Scripture instead of trying to get through the entire Bible in a year. I see themes and thoughts that I just missed all those other times of reading. If I ever meet Pastor MacArthur, I will have to be sure to thank him for recommending this to me.

I think what I am going to do is try to restore what I wrote earlier in the week about chapter two, so here goes.

II Endure everything and strive to be a pure worker in the Gospel
vs 1-13 Endure hardship
vs 1-7 Paul draws analogies between common life and working for Christ
vs 8-13 Endure for the sake of the elect
vs 14-26 Be a workman approved by God
vs 14-19 Handle the Word of God correctly
vs 20-21 Cleanse yourself and be prepared to do any good work
vs 22-26 Pursue holiness and be kind to all

Flee the evil desires of youth (NIV)
Flee youthful lusts (KJV)
2 Timothy 2:22

As a Youth Pastor I have seen the unfortunate fallout when this verse is not obeyed. While we are told in a general sense to “Resist the Devil, and he will flee” the Bible speaks about the specific sins that youth are prone to commit with a different tone. We are not told to resist but to FLEE! Run as if your life depended on it!

I cannot tell you how many times I have shook my head wondering what goes through the minds of some parents. These parents are given the charge of growing their children up in holiness and then allow their children to go alone on dates. Why would you put your child in a position to fail like that? Do you not remember all the hormones you had when you were a teenager? I’m not talking about (just) sex here, we are called to a higher standard. We should be teaching our children to flee the very appearance of immorality. There should not be even a hint of anything unclean among us. Parents, love your children enough to keep them holy and pure.

I love you and have given my life to serve you, please listen to me. Obey the Word on this point. Don’t put yourself in a position where you are alone with a member of the opposite sex. Conduct yourself in righteousness and if you must date, take separate cars and be in public for the entire date. If possible, go in a group so you are accountable to someone. Don’t give the Devil even a foothold on your life because he won’t stop there.

That’s it for another week. Tomorrow I’m going to start Titus. But before that, what did I learn from 2 Timothy?

The verse about “God has not given us a spirit of fear” is referring to how we should be bold in using the gifts that God has given us. (Context, context, context)
Being confident in our knowledge will keep us from being ashamed (Doctrine, doctrine, doctrine)
We have a responsibility before God to correctly handle His Word (How many times have I been lax in my sermon preparations?)
If I am to serve God, I must not quarrel. (Wow! How am I going to obey that one?)
Everyone who wants to live a Godly life will be persecuted. (Every single one!)
There is no higher calling than to preach the Word! (Amen, brother)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

2 Timothy 4

IV Final Instructions to Timothy
A. vs 1-8 Keep the Faith, endure hardship
1. vs 1-5 Preach the Word, Do the work of an Evangelist
2. vs 6-8 Paul's final reward
B. vs 9-18 Final Instructions and Warnings to Timothy
1. vs 9-13 Paul says where all his co-workers are
2. vs 14-15 Guard against Alexander the Metalworker
3. vs 16-18 God stood by Paul during his tribulations
C. vs 19-22 Final Greetings and Closing

But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.
2 Timothy 4:5

When you get to the end of your life, what is really important to you (I'm told) begins to come in to sharp focus. This is the last chapter of the last letter Paul wrote before his death and here we have a list of what Paul desperately wants to be sure he passes on to Timothy.

keep your head in all situations
There will be plenty of opportunities to fly off the handle and get angry with people. Scripture tells us to be slow to anger and whoever gives free reign to his anger is a fool. Be a minister of peace primarily and if you do get angry, make sure it's for the right reasons. It is OK to be angry when God's name is being blasphemed or shamed but even then we must keep our head so we do not do further damage by misrepresenting Him.

endure hardship
Again, we will have trials, tribulation, hardships, etc… There Bible tells us that while we can pray that God would deliver us there is no guarantee that He will. Is instructions in those situations is to simply endure. Rest in the fact that no matter how hard it is the worst they can do is kill our bodies and there is laid up for us a reward that no man can take from us.

do the work of an evangelist
Share your faith! Be bold! Even if all you do is pass out tracts at least that is something. The statistics that tell us that a vast majority of us never share our faith and never lead someone to the Lord is embarrassing. How will the Church grow if its people never witness?

discharge all the duties of your ministry
What are the duties of your ministry? To Glorify God with everything you do, every word you say, and every thought you think. To bring Him all the glory, praise and honor he is due and to bring others before the cross and before His throne. To be diligent in your work and endure all hardships that He would be glorified. To preach the Word, teach good doctrine and love the people.

These are the things Paul thought was important enough to share with Timothy at the end of his life. The instruction extends to us today to be obedient to this command of scripture.
God give us the strength and ability to "keep [our] head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, [and] discharge all the duties of [our] ministry". Let us be obedient to the praise of your glorify that all men would look on us and see You.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

2 Timothy 3

I have decided to learn from my mistakes and type these posts in Word then cut and paste them into the blog. I almost lost yesterday's post also. I guess you live and learn.

III Godlessness in the last days and the cure
A. vs 1-5 People will be wicked in the last days
B. vs 6-9 God will expose the folly of the wicked
C. vs 10-17 A Godly life is a persecuted life

In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,
2 Timothy 3:12

Yesterday's post about teenagers falling away from the faith has been rattling around in my brain since then. As someone who cares deeply about teenagers and has this "falling away" happen time and time again, it causes we to really think about what I can do as a Youth Pastor to help.
I think this verse gives some insight. I can not recall ever preaching (or really even hearing) a sermon on "suffering for Jesus". Usually suffering is spoken of as something to be avoided or as something bad that Jesus rescues you from. Rarely is it taught that suffering is a normal part of the Christian experience. Even more rarely is it taught that Christians should suffer. That we believe what is true with such conviction we are willing to go through anything rather than compromise it. When teenagers get outside the protective bubble of their parents, they have to begin to make their own decisions and suffer the consequences. If we've always taught them that God will deliver from ever suffering or that Christians never have to experience suffering, the real world becomes quite a shock. Any time we teach our children something that will not hold up in the fires of real life, we do them a grave disservice. Suffering is not only normal and to be expected, but it is a good thing when we suffer in the cause of Christ. It brings our Father glory and earns us a crown to cast at the feet of Jesus.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

UFO's and Why do Youth leave the Church after Graduation.

Well, I'm not sure what happened yesterday. I posted a whole blog about fleeing youthful lusts and it just disappeared. What is the use of autosaving drafts if I can't find the draft later? Oh well, maybe I'll re-cover the subject later.
Here's an interesting post about the UFO's in Stephenville. Mike Tumillo is a friend of mine from when we both attended the same church many years ago. He has a wonderful online ministry now and is a big propponent of the "Home Church" movement.
Two interesting posts about youth.

The whole article is about why Youth leave the church after graduation and offers these three myths.

1. The influence of the secular university has pushed them away. Not true - of the dropouts, it is a virtual statistical tie between those who go to college and those who don't.

2. High school students are planning to leave the church once they go to college. The overwhelming majority of high school students do not plan to leave their church when they graduate.

3. The scandal-happy media has disenchanted our youth. Only 15% of those who leave church say it is because of moral or ethical failures in church leadership.

This article confirms in my mind what the greatest reason why the youth leave the church when they are no longer made to go by their parents. It's not because of the overwhelming temptations from the world, or loss of faith in church leadership, or any other of the myriad of reasons I've heard over the years. It comes down to this, they were never saved to begin with. If there is no new work of regeneration in our hearts, if the love of Christ does not enter us and cause us to cleave to Him, it shouldn't be a surprise when we wander from the church and from the faith. This is why it is so crucial that the Gospel be preached from the pulpit everytime we enter it. We must make sure every young person knows of the seriousness of sin, the consequences of sin, and the remedy of Christ. We need to stop teaching "feel-good" sermons or sermons with no scriptural meat that meander aimlessly from point to point. As leaders we also need to commit to praying for a young people, convinced that nothing less than a sovereign move of God can cause repentance to well up in their hearts. Youth don't need games, or candy, or rockin' praise music, or an awesome youth room near as much as they need the Savior, preached clearly and passionately. How many sermons have I preached that have been one or the other. All clarity, full of doctrine and theology with none of the life and power of God indwelling it. Or all passion, full of exortations, illustrations, and challenges but with no clear root in the scriptures, led by emotion to appeal to emotion. First we preach salvation, then we preach the necessity of bearing fruit and continuing in the faith. If our kids do not know what God expects of His children, are they really to blame when they fall away?

Monday, January 14, 2008

2 Timothy 1

I've decided to do just 2nd Timothy this week and save Titus for next week. As I read both First and Second Timothy I am really surprised at how important doctrine was to Paul. I'm not sure how I missed this. It really makes me examine my own ministry even more to be sure I am keeping Paul's commands to Timothy. As a Youth Pastor, there is always a line to be walked between entertainment and teaching. It needs to be something they enjoy coming to and feel comfortable inviting their friends too, and it also needs to be meaty and Bible-saturated. I know that in the past I have had youth services that have been filled with fluff and have thrown out candy and had a fun time but no one learned anything. I also know that I have had services that have been so teaching-focused I wonder how much of what I said was retained. However, after reading these books I think the answer is to continue to teach doctrine but to try do it in engaging and interesting ways. I spend so much time studying for lessons (reading commentaries, word studies, etc.) and while that's a good thing, I need to invest time in illustrations and stories that make what I am saying memorable. One thing I won't do under any circumstances is have an all-entertainment, fluffy teaching on how to be a better you with no doctrine.

I Be faithful and use the gifts God gave you
A. vs 1-2 Greetings
B. vs 3-7 Fan your gift into flame
C. vs 8-12 Do not be ashamed of the gospel or of its apostles
D. vs 13-15 Guard what was deposited in you by the Holy Spirit
E. vs 16-18 Paul prays for Onesiphorus

This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.
2 Timothy 1:9

What day were you saved? According to this verse, if you are saved it was because of a decision that was made wa-a-a-a-a-y before you were born. God chose you to be in Him before the first act of creation and your repentance and trusting in Jesus was just confirmation of what was already written. There is a lot of comfort in this verse. The most comforting aspect is if you are saved He will hold you safe through this life. There is nothing you can do to get unsaved. Those that fall away were false converts and were never saved in the first place. Nothing surprises God and He already knows all of our days. Not only does He know them but He also ordained them. God actively works in our life to bring His best plan for all of us to fruition. God is a good God that can be trusted and loved whole-heartedly and with abandon.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

1 Timothy 6

Well, between the Mavericks and the Cowboys I've borne witness to some pretty crummy post-seasons this year. At least now I can stop watching football for the year. I hope the Rangers do well this year, I need to root for someone.

VI Handle money and your faith well
A. vs 1-2 Slaves should respect their masters
B. vs 3-10 Make sure your doctrine concerning money is correct
1. vs 3-5 Godliness is not a means to financial gain
2. vs 6-10 Be content with what you have
C. vs 11-21 Paul's final instructions to Timothy
1. vs 11-16 Flee from bad doctrine and grow in holiness
2. vs 17-19 Do not hope in wealth
3. 19-21 Guard what was been entrusted to you

I think the two biggest concerns facing the church today is the message of the prosperity preachers and the message from the Emergent church movement. I was amazed to see Paul address both these concerns in the same chapter.
The prosperity massage is obvious. of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think godliness is a means to financial gain.
1 Timothy 6:5
"Be a good person, pay your tithes and God will bless you!" How many times have I heard some variation on that theme. The message of the Bible is serve God with no thought to what is in it for you and He will supply your needs. Stop looking to God with a hand out for His blessings and start glorifying Him to the world.

The message from the emergent church is that there can equal and opposing claims on truth and they are both true at the same time. If I believe X and you believe the exact opposite Y they are both true at the same time for each of us. I believe in the God of the Bible and you believe in some mystical energy, we are both believing in the same "Higher Power". Paul tells Timothy to "Turn away from...opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge."(1 Timothy 6:20) There is a right and there is a wrong. There is Truth and there is Falsehood. We must search the scriptures to know the difference.

Another week is done and what did I learn?
Doctrine is IMPORTANT!!! (Paul leaves no doubt on this in this letter)
Pray for your leaders (They need it!)
Make sure someone fulfills the qualifications of leadership before you actually place them in leadership (I bet this saves a lot of heartache down the road)
Everything God created is good (in moderation)
Be persistent and consistent in your faith (While at the same time allowing it to grow)

Another wonderful week!! I can't decide rather to do just 2 Timothy next week or both 2 Timothy and Titus. I think I'll decide in the morning.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

1 Timothy 5

One day before the Cowboy game! On to important stuff.

V Dealing with men, women, widows, and elders
A. vs 1-2 How to deal with older and younger men and women
B. vs 3-16 What to do with widows
C. vs 17-20 How to honor and discipline Elders
D. vs 21-25 Various instructions from Paul

Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, and do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure.
1 Timothy 5:22
I wasn't sure what exactly this was referring to so I went a did some research. I always assumed it referred to praying for the sick or praying for another Christian, (Because that is how we pray in our church) but it is referring to the ordaining of someone in to the ministry. Paul is telling Timothy to be careful who he places in ministry beside him. Which makes perfect sense because most of chapter 4 dealt with the qualifications for leaders and the previous paragraph dealt with how to discipline leaders. The message is clear, watch the lives of those who want to be leaders in your church. Just because someone is acting like a leader doesn't mean you should confirm them in leadership. To do that would be to share in the sins of others. It is also a lot easier to keep yourself pure when those in leadership around you are in unity with you and you are all striving for the common goal of glorifying Christ.

Friday, January 11, 2008

1 Timothy 4

Well I just finished Season 1 of Battlestar Galactica, and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. I didn't see the cliffhanger coming and am really looking forward to Season 2. I've got the first two episodes downloaded and will probably watch them tonight.

IV Train yourself in correct doctrine
A. vs 1-5 Everything God created is good
B. vs 6-8 Train yourself to be Godly
C. vs 9-10 God is the Savior of all men
D. vs 11-14 Set an example for the believers
E. vs 15-16 Persevere in correct doctrine

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.
1 Timothy 4:1
They forbid people to marry
1 Timothy 4:3
I don't want to say too much about this but it certainly begs a question. Paul draws a clear line between "things taught by demons" and "forbidding people to marry". If this is true, how can the Catholic church get away with telling their priests not to marry? And is this why the Catholic church has had so many problems with sexual deviancy from its leadership? Maybe they need to reevaluate their stance on this in light of Scripture.

...train yourself to be godly.
1 Timothy 1:7
Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.
1 Timothy 1:13
Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.
1 Timothy 1:16
Doctrine, Doctrine, Doctrine. Orthodoxy, Orthodoxy, Orthodoxy. This is what is needed. We must train ourselves in Godliness, persist in the teaching and preaching of the Word, and be persistent in our prayers. Why? Because this is not only how we work out our own salvation, but how we work out salvation in those around us. We must be a people who are saturated with the Word and infatuated with God. Devoted to the public reading of Scripture and to the gathering of ourselves together to hear it. Growing in the things of holiness and having a hunger for a deeper walk with God. Let me repeat Paul's command, watch your life and doctrine closely. Someone is always watching.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I Timothy 3

III Qualifications for Church Leadership
A. vs 1-7 Qualifications for Elders
B. vs 8-13 Qualifications for Deacons and their wives
C. vs 14-16 The mystery of Godliness

He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap.
I Timothy 3:7

Here is a good standard not just for elders, but for any christian. I have in my business had to at times make hard choices concerning how to proceed on certain jobs. I have had to not pay people who did not perform as contracted and had to bring in another team to finish jobs. I have had to tell customers that certain things fall outside the scope of work we agreed on when they are feeling otherwise. I have been in many situations that have at sometimes gotten heated, and the one thing that has always come up is "But you are a christian!" Usually this is said with the expectation that because I have invited them to church, or shared my faith, or just let them know I'm a Youth Pastor, that automatically means that I have to do whatever they want regardless of how much it costs me. I am never sure how to respond. Once they know I'm a christian, I know that I now represent Christ to them and should be a good example. On the other hand, I want to be a good business man and a good steward of what God has given me. I often find myself wondering where the line is, if sticking to my guns dishonors Christ. I know one thing for sure, every time it happens I renew my commitment to communicate clearly the expectations on every job to both the customer and the worker. I realize that it is honoring Christ in crisis situations that most honors and glorifies Him. I guess my prayer will be to know what to say in every situation so that Christ is always honored and I will have a good reputation with outsiders.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I Timothy 2

II. Instructions on the Congregational Life
A. vs 1-7 Pray for your leaders
B. vs 8 Men should lift holy hands
C. vs 9-15 Women should dress modestly and submit to men

A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.
I Timothy 2:11
Paul's not winning any point with the women's libbers with this verse! When I was deciding what verse to look at for this chapter, I at first discounted all the verses that had to do with how a woman should look and act. After all, I'm not a woman how valid would my commentary be? But this is a prime example of how we should trust that what the Bible says is good for us is actually good for us! This verse may strike my 21st Century ears weird but I know that obeying it is for my best even if I don't entirely understand the thought process behind it. How should a male student of the Word differ from a female student? Should there be a difference? Well obviously there should or Paul would not have made the distinction. And that difference is they should learn in quietness. The next verse says that a woman should not ever teach, or have authority over a man, and she must be quiet. Yeesh! But here is a great example for me. I do not understand it, but do I obey it anyway? Can a woman be a Pastor? I don't think so based on this verse. Can she teach Sunday school? Maybe, because she would be under the authority of the church, but I can't help but think Paul would disapprove.

Monday, January 7, 2008

1 Timothy

So, on to my 2nd passage of scripture, I Timothy! This was one of the passages I had on my mental list before I started this whole process. Being in a small church, we have never really had a need for elders, deacons, and what not. It pretty much the Pastor, the Youth Pastor (me), and whoever else volunteers. (And our wives of course) So we haven't really wrestled with the concept of a formal heirarchy of overseers, in fact I'm not sure if we really need one. That's one of the things I am going to look out for as I read.

But first, allow me to outline the first chapter so I get the main ideas.

I Oppose false teachers and God is gracious to the worst of sinners
A. vs 1-11 Tell false teachers to stop teaching!
1. vs 1-2 Opening greeting
2. vs 2-7 Command false teachers to stop and don't get caught up in minutia
3. vs 8-11 The law was made to condemn sinners
B. Paul was the worst of sinners but God daved him anyway
1. vs 12-14 Paul was shown mercy
2. vs 15-17 The reason He saves sinners to show His unlimited patience with us
3. vs 18-20 Hold fast to your faith and doctrine

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.
1 Tim 1:15-16

I think this is a common feeling among mature christians. That when we inspect our own lives, we see the worst of sin. I can not imagine anyone who has walked with the Lord for any length of time to think lightly of their sin. When I think of the cross, of the scourgings, of the thorns, of the spear, of the nails, and I realize that should have been mine. When I look at my own wrists and see no holes but know I have Christ anyway. When I look at my own side and see no spear but know I have Heaven anyway. It causes me to crumble before God and thank Him again for what He did to save me. It causes me to wonder at the grace that has been poured out on me. It causes my to acknowledge that If our positions were reversed, I would not save someone like me. But here I am, the chief of sinners, bought with the blood of Christ and a shining trophy to His grace. Let all creation look and marvel at the goodness of my God!

When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of Glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Philippians 4

IV Don't worry, keep your mind on God, give generously, and God will provide
A. vs 1-9 Pray about everything and think on the Godly parts of life
1. vs 1-3 The common bond of salvation should cause us to walk in unity with each other
2. vs 4-7 Rejoice and do not worry, pray about everything and God will give you His peace
3. vs 8-9 Think on the good and emulate your leaders
B. vs 10-23 God provides what we need
1. vs 10-13 Be content in every situation
2. vs 14-20 God will bring every gift back in blessings to the giver
3. 21-23 Paul's closing greetings back to the church

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Phil 4:4

The words "with thanksgiving" have recently become very important to me. I'm not sure exactly why or what started it but lately I have been overwhelmed with a spirit of thanksgiving. I can't hardly open my mouth to pray that I don't spend much of my time thanking Him for what I already have. I think the one thing that has gotten drilled into my head is the simple fact that I deserve nothing. If I was honest I would have to admit that I deserve Hell. Not when I die but right now. My sin nature should have condemned me at birth. But was patient with me and for that I am thankful. He chose me to be in Him and for that I am thankful. He blessed me with a beautiful wife that I do not deserve and for that I am thankful. He blessed me with wonderful children that I do not deserve and for that I am thankful. He gave me a profitable business that I do not deserve and for that I am thankful. I don't have so little that I am tempted to curse HIm and I don't have so much that I am tempted to forget about Him and for that I am thankful. God has blessed me abundantly and kept my heart towards Him and for that I am thankful. I deserve so little but have been given so much and for that I am thankful. See?
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done

But the truth is even if I had none of this but still had God, still had the hope of eternity with Him, it would be enough. And for that I am thankful.

So that's it for Philippians, What did I learn?
I learned how to spell Philippians. (One L, two P's)(OK three P's)
I learned that Paul's chains didn't slow Him down at all. (What is slowing me down?)
I learned Paul was genuinely grateful when the body of Christ sent Him help. (I must remember to thank the co-laborers God has given me)
I learned Paul considered unity to be of greater importance than deciding who was right. (That's a tuffie!)
I learned to stop complaining. (The man was in chains! I've never even seen chains I complain when the temperature of the church isn't quite right!)
I learned Paul thought everything he has and ever had was like dung(!) when compared to Christ. (Makes my constant desire for new and better things appear pretty petty.)
I learned that if I want peace, I'm going to have to take my anxieties to the Lord. (Then leave them there!)
Finally, I learned that if I give generously to support the work of God and the people of God, God will meet all my needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. (A good promise from a good God)

Well, that's my week in Philippians, I will miss it. I think tomorrow I'll start I Timothy.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Quick note before I get into my Bible today. Last night I watched my first episode of Battlestar Galactica. I have always been a huge Star Trek fan but just never got into BSG, so I decided to download the pilot and see if I liked it. The story was pretty cool but I hope they upgrade the special effects as the series goes on. I like the "Cylons among us" aspect as this was one of my favorite plotlines of ST:DS9 with the Dominion. I think I'll watch a few more episodes before I pass judgment.

IV Do not worry, Christ will provide
A. vs 1-9 Paul exorts the church
1. vs 1 Stand firm in the Lord
2. vs 2-3 Disagreeing christians need to agree with each other in the Lord
3. vs 4-7 Do not be anxious for anything
4. vs 8-9 Keep your mind on Godly things
B. vs 10-23 Paul is grateful for the gifts given to him
1. vs 10-13 Be content in every situation
2. vs 14-20 Paul blesses the church for their gifts
3. vs 21-23 Closing greetings from Paul

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Phil 4:6

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Phil 4:12-13

I tell you what, if I could just get these concepts down I would sleep like a baby at night. How many times have I laid awake staring at the ceiling wondering how the bills would get paid. How many times has God come through. And how many times have I repeated the cycle the next time things are tight. Way to many to count. He has always provided, even when I have not been as wise as I should be with our money. I know it is a sin to worry and I do it anyway. I know worry is a slap in the face of God and I do it anyway. I know my worry reveals a deep-seated lack of faith in God's providence and I do it anyway. They say you can tell a lot about a man by whether he prays for a strong back or a light load. I have always asked for a light load. And I'm too afraid to ask for a strong back. Lord, have your way. I know you know what's best.

Friday, January 4, 2008

III Christ is more valuable than anything
A. vs 1-11 What ever you love, consider loss in comparison to Christ
1. vs 1-4 Keep an eye out for those who would keep us captive to the demands of the Law
2. vs 5-6 Paul's credentials as a Jew
3. vs 7-11 Nothing credits righteousness to us except for Christ
B. vs 12-21 Press on to the goal of taking hold of that for which Christ took hold of us
1. vs 12-14 Paul encourages us to press on toward the prize to which God has called us
2. vs 15-16 Live in the understanding of the scriptures you have and walk in unity
3. vs 17-21 Our citizenship is in Heaven and we will receive new, glorified bodies

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Phil 3:14

The word goal does not refer to the end of the race but a line that Greek racers had to run along during competitions. The runners had to fix their eyes on the line so they would not run outside of their area and be disqualified. Runners that ran outside of their mark were disqualified even if they finished first. This verse reminds us that the ends do not justify the means with God. Once we begin our race with God, He expects us to run with integrity every step of the way. All our actions must be for the glory of God and not for our own advancement. Don't run in a way that disqualifies you, that compromises your character, that reduces your witness and christian influence in the world. Instead, run within the mark He has set for you. Remember that the boundry lines for us have fallen in pleasant places and press on to the prize of Christ Jesus.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Before I get into my Bible study time today I need to get down a dream I just had. I was at church, not preaching but in the pulpit just answering questions from youth. One was on the rapture and as I was answering it, the rapture happened. It was amazing! The room filled with light, it was peaceful, I was expectant but not fearful. As we all began floating up I said "Come, Jesus", apparently I said it in for real because my wife shook me awake to shut me up. As I tried to go back to sleep it was almost depressing to still be in my bed when seconds before I was on my way to Heaven. It did remind though that He can come at any moment and in some respects we should live our lives in anticipation of that Day. (please note, this was just a dream and there was nothing prophetic about it)

Outline for Philippians 2
II Paul exorts the church by the example of Christ to maturity and selflessness
A. vs 1-11 The example of Christ
1. vs 1-4 Live in unity and humility with the brethren
2. vs 5-11 Our attitude should be Christ's
B. vs 12-18 Work out yoiur salvation so you will shine like stars to the world
1. vs 12-13 Work out your own salvation
2. vs 14-18 Be pure so that you shine like stars
C. vs 19-30 Paul's co-laborers Timothy and Epaphroditus
1. vs 19-24 Paul wants to send Timothy to help the Philippian church
2. vs 25-30 Epaphroditus almost died but will return soon

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe
Phil 2: 14-15

Paul is pointing out the missionary aspects of a good attitude. While I firmly believe that we should be bold in sharing our faith, we should also remember that that the world is watching when we are not actively witnessing. Are we able to keep our joy when the chips are down? Do we murmur and complain easily? Are we constantly at war with the people around us? Are we quick to anger, quick to argue, quick to insist on our own way? The implication of this verse is that it is very acts of complaining or arguing that keep us from the purity that God has called us to. Isn't complaining at its root a complaint against God? That he somehow made a mistake when He put you in the position you are in now? If God is sovereign (and He is) doesn't it follow that He is in control? If that is true, why complain? Same with arguing. If it is about something that pertains to the Glory of God then argue away; but if it is just for our own personal well-being or desires, perhaps you should let your flesh die a little and shine like a star. Remember someone is always watching.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Outline for Philippians 1

I. Paul's imprisonment will not stop the Gospel
A. vs 1-2 This letter is coming from both Paul and Timothy
B. vs 3-11 Paul thanks, prays for and exorts the Philippian church
1. vs 3-6 Paul reassures that God will complete the work he started
2. vs 7-8 Paul's chains will not stop him
3. vs 9-11 It is growth in the knowledge of God that keeps us pure and blameless
C. vs 12-30 Paul rejoices that his chains only serve to spread the gospel more
1. vs 12-14 Paul is in chains for Christ and this causes him to speak boldly
2. vs. 15-18 Paul's opponents stir up trouble by preaching Christ, but this only serves to spread the gospel more
3. vs 19-26 It is better for Paul to continue to live and work for the gospel than to die and be with Christ
4. vs 27-30 Despite suffering, we must always conduct ourselves in a manner worhty of the gospel

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.
Philippians 2:12-13

Here Paul is reminding us of the importance of being "self-growers" for lack of a better term. We must take responsibility for our own walk with Christ even if no one is standing over our shoulders making us. As a Youth Pastor I can tell you one of the most difficult times in a young person's christian life is that transition from childhood to adulthood. As a child your days were pretty structured. If your parents loved God, you went to church, maybe family devotions, whatever. Even if they weren't saved there was (hopefully) at least some kind of structure to your day. You went to school, etc.. Where I've seen so many kids fall is when those restraints are taken off (maybe they go to college, move out, whatever) they fly apart at the seams. This is why as parents it is so important that we do several things. First of all, make sure your kid is saved. This may seem obvious but I've seen way to many parents fall in to this trap. Their kid repeated some prayer when they were two then the subject is never brought up again. Does a two year old have enough knowledge of their own sin nature to sorrow over sin? To repent? Maybe, but to be sure examine their lives. Do they keep the 10 Commandments? Are they growing in holiness? Do they exhibit the fruits of the Spirit? Don't take it for granted. Next a parent should discipline with love. There needs to be structure and boundries but the child should always know that every "No" comes out of a deep love for them and a desire for only their best. Third, develop the habits of Bible study, prayer and service within the local church. Make them a part of the larger community of God. The Goal of parenting is that they love God when you are not around and then can pass those values on to the next generation.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My goodness, there is a lot to this book! I feel like I'm trying to drink an ocean. I pray that God will show His Word to me and cause me to understand and retain it.

Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
Philippians 1:27a

In a book filled with daunting tasks this may be the hardest and most important of all. Paul had just finished talking about his chains and imprisonment and I'm sure had this in mind when he wrote this verse. This was an admonition to the brothers who were free that if the law ever came to be sure to conduct themselves, at their arrest and in their imprisonment, in a way that glorifies Christ. Luckily I don't live in a country that will arrest me because of where I go to church but the spirit behind this verse still holds true. I am in the world, interacting with people all day long. I have guys that work with me, customers I work for, people I buy products from, etc., I must conduct myself always in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ. I need to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. I need to (and this is a biggie for me) make sure I communicate clearly at every stage of a job so there are no surprises with the customer and no surprises involving money. Everyone needs to know up front everything they need to know, so that when it is all said and done my witness is intact and I can act with integrity towards all involved. I should be able to share with Christ with any person after any job and be taken seriously as someone who walks what he talks.

For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him
Philippians 1:29

Here's another Calvinistic verse. (They are everywhere! How did I miss this for so long?) Notice the words it has been granted. The gift of salvation was given to us, we did not go get it. In fact we could not go get it because we hated God before we came to know Him. We are His choice, we did not choose Him. Not only is our salvation chosen for us, but also the fact that we will suffer for Christ has already been chosen. I will readily admit I have only a theoretical idea of what it means to suffer for Christ. The closest I came is when I wore a T-shirt against abortion that says God gave Women a womb not a tomb and had babies peeking out of a garbage can. (Pretty graphic) Some woman saw this at the gas station and was mad enough to spit at me. But that doesn't even begin to compare with the sufferings Paul went through, or my brothers in China or Pakistan or any number of places around the globe. So what are my sufferings? Maybe it's holding my tongue when I want to say something that doesn't glorify Christ. Maybe it's not doing something I want to do and instead spending time in prayer. Maybe it's subjecting myself to doors being slammed in my face when I pass out tracts, (That happened again last week) I do not know what form my sufferings will take but I can be assured that if I'm going through them then God ordained them, and if God ordained them then He has a plan to get me out on to the other side.