Outline for Philippians 1
I. Paul's imprisonment will not stop the Gospel
A. vs 1-2 This letter is coming from both Paul and Timothy
B. vs 3-11 Paul thanks, prays for and exorts the Philippian church
1. vs 3-6 Paul reassures that God will complete the work he started
2. vs 7-8 Paul's chains will not stop him
3. vs 9-11 It is growth in the knowledge of God that keeps us pure and blameless
C. vs 12-30 Paul rejoices that his chains only serve to spread the gospel more
1. vs 12-14 Paul is in chains for Christ and this causes him to speak boldly
2. vs. 15-18 Paul's opponents stir up trouble by preaching Christ, but this only serves to spread the gospel more
3. vs 19-26 It is better for Paul to continue to live and work for the gospel than to die and be with Christ
4. vs 27-30 Despite suffering, we must always conduct ourselves in a manner worhty of the gospel
Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.
Philippians 2:12-13
Here Paul is reminding us of the importance of being "self-growers" for lack of a better term. We must take responsibility for our own walk with Christ even if no one is standing over our shoulders making us. As a Youth Pastor I can tell you one of the most difficult times in a young person's christian life is that transition from childhood to adulthood. As a child your days were pretty structured. If your parents loved God, you went to church, maybe family devotions, whatever. Even if they weren't saved there was (hopefully) at least some kind of structure to your day. You went to school, etc.. Where I've seen so many kids fall is when those restraints are taken off (maybe they go to college, move out, whatever) they fly apart at the seams. This is why as parents it is so important that we do several things. First of all, make sure your kid is saved. This may seem obvious but I've seen way to many parents fall in to this trap. Their kid repeated some prayer when they were two then the subject is never brought up again. Does a two year old have enough knowledge of their own sin nature to sorrow over sin? To repent? Maybe, but to be sure examine their lives. Do they keep the 10 Commandments? Are they growing in holiness? Do they exhibit the fruits of the Spirit? Don't take it for granted. Next a parent should discipline with love. There needs to be structure and boundries but the child should always know that every "No" comes out of a deep love for them and a desire for only their best. Third, develop the habits of Bible study, prayer and service within the local church. Make them a part of the larger community of God. The Goal of parenting is that they love God when you are not around and then can pass those values on to the next generation.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
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