Sunday, January 20, 2008

2 Timothy 2

Here I am at the end of another week of studying God’s Word. I wish that I had thought of this sooner. I have learned so much more by staying on one passage of Scripture instead of trying to get through the entire Bible in a year. I see themes and thoughts that I just missed all those other times of reading. If I ever meet Pastor MacArthur, I will have to be sure to thank him for recommending this to me.

I think what I am going to do is try to restore what I wrote earlier in the week about chapter two, so here goes.

II Endure everything and strive to be a pure worker in the Gospel
vs 1-13 Endure hardship
vs 1-7 Paul draws analogies between common life and working for Christ
vs 8-13 Endure for the sake of the elect
vs 14-26 Be a workman approved by God
vs 14-19 Handle the Word of God correctly
vs 20-21 Cleanse yourself and be prepared to do any good work
vs 22-26 Pursue holiness and be kind to all

Flee the evil desires of youth (NIV)
Flee youthful lusts (KJV)
2 Timothy 2:22

As a Youth Pastor I have seen the unfortunate fallout when this verse is not obeyed. While we are told in a general sense to “Resist the Devil, and he will flee” the Bible speaks about the specific sins that youth are prone to commit with a different tone. We are not told to resist but to FLEE! Run as if your life depended on it!

I cannot tell you how many times I have shook my head wondering what goes through the minds of some parents. These parents are given the charge of growing their children up in holiness and then allow their children to go alone on dates. Why would you put your child in a position to fail like that? Do you not remember all the hormones you had when you were a teenager? I’m not talking about (just) sex here, we are called to a higher standard. We should be teaching our children to flee the very appearance of immorality. There should not be even a hint of anything unclean among us. Parents, love your children enough to keep them holy and pure.

I love you and have given my life to serve you, please listen to me. Obey the Word on this point. Don’t put yourself in a position where you are alone with a member of the opposite sex. Conduct yourself in righteousness and if you must date, take separate cars and be in public for the entire date. If possible, go in a group so you are accountable to someone. Don’t give the Devil even a foothold on your life because he won’t stop there.

That’s it for another week. Tomorrow I’m going to start Titus. But before that, what did I learn from 2 Timothy?

The verse about “God has not given us a spirit of fear” is referring to how we should be bold in using the gifts that God has given us. (Context, context, context)
Being confident in our knowledge will keep us from being ashamed (Doctrine, doctrine, doctrine)
We have a responsibility before God to correctly handle His Word (How many times have I been lax in my sermon preparations?)
If I am to serve God, I must not quarrel. (Wow! How am I going to obey that one?)
Everyone who wants to live a Godly life will be persecuted. (Every single one!)
There is no higher calling than to preach the Word! (Amen, brother)

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