Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I just got finished watching the movie "Juno". If you haven't seen it the main gist of the movie is a 16 year old girl gets pregnant, decides against abortion and chooses to give the baby up for adoption. All in all the movie is pretty good but there was one scene in particular that really struck me as being very true. When she tells her parents about the pregnancy, her dad says that he is surprised because he thought she was the kind of girl who "knew when to say when". Her reply is "Dad, I don't really know what kind of girl I am".
This is way too true for way to many teenagers. No one is telling them what kind of person they should be and what it means to be conformed to the image of Christ so they are just being whatever they feel like being. I was listening to a young lady on the radio explain why she left the church when she went to college. She said she wanted to experience college in all its fullness and she knew she couldn't do that and call herself a christian. She left the church only to return upon graduation. Can a saved person wander away like that then wander back? No! We either love Christ or we don't. We are either commited or we are not. I don't think there a pew-warming christians, you are bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God or you are lost. This is the message that needs to be preached so our young people hear it. How will they know what God requires if they never hear about it? Again, it all goes back to solid, biblical doctrine being preached passionately and consistantly.

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