Thursday, July 31, 2008

1 John 2

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. - 1 John 2:15

This is such a challenging verse for me. The proof the the love of the Father is in me is that I do not love anything in the world. This is certainly more true now then when I first believed, but there is no way it is entirely true. I can say that I love Christ more than anything the world has to offer and would never leave Him for any comfort of the world, but I also still like some worldly things. I still watch (A little) TV, I still see (A few) movies. I don't listen to secular music and rarely read secular books (for entertainment). But even with all this I know there is a love for the world in my heart. My fleshly appetites get the best of me, my eyes wonder, my mind dwells on things it shouldn't. I read of the great men of God and long for God to use me like that but in my heart I know I'm not willing to give up what they gave up, to sacrifice what the sacrificed. Lord I believe, help me with my unbelief. I love you, help me increase in love. I can do nothing without you giving me strength. Keep my heart and mind on You and You alone.

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