Sunday, July 20, 2008

John 12

XII Jesus Anointed, Triumphal Entry
A. vs 1-11 Mary anoints Jesus
1. vs 1-3 Mary pours perfume on Jesus
2. vs 4-6 Judas complains that the perfume could have been sold and the money given to the poor
3. vs 7-8 Jesus says that the perfume was to prepare Him for His burial
4. vs 9-11 The chief priests plan to kill Jesus and Lazarus
B. vs 12-19 The Triumphal Entry
1. vs 12-15 The crowd greets Jesus as He rides on a donkey into Jerusalem
2. vs 16-19 The Pharisees are upset to see such a large crowd praising Jesus
C. vs 20-36 Jesus predicts His Death
1. vs 20-22 Greeks come to see Jesus
2. vs 23-26 Jesus says to love life is to lose it and to hate your life is to keep it eternally
3. vs 27-29 The Father speaks and says that His name will be glorified
4. vs 30-33 Jesus says the voice was heard for the benefit of those around Him
5. vs 34-36 Trust in the light will the light is around
D. vs 37-50 Jews continue in Unbelief
1. vs 37-40 The Jews could still not believe because their eyes had been shut
2. vs 41-43 Some refused to follow Him because they loved the praise of men
3. vs 44-46 When we believe in Christ we also believe in the Father
4. vs 47-50 Jesus says what the Father tells Him to do

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