Thursday, July 31, 2008

1 John 2

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. - 1 John 2:15

This is such a challenging verse for me. The proof the the love of the Father is in me is that I do not love anything in the world. This is certainly more true now then when I first believed, but there is no way it is entirely true. I can say that I love Christ more than anything the world has to offer and would never leave Him for any comfort of the world, but I also still like some worldly things. I still watch (A little) TV, I still see (A few) movies. I don't listen to secular music and rarely read secular books (for entertainment). But even with all this I know there is a love for the world in my heart. My fleshly appetites get the best of me, my eyes wonder, my mind dwells on things it shouldn't. I read of the great men of God and long for God to use me like that but in my heart I know I'm not willing to give up what they gave up, to sacrifice what the sacrificed. Lord I believe, help me with my unbelief. I love you, help me increase in love. I can do nothing without you giving me strength. Keep my heart and mind on You and You alone.

Monday, July 28, 2008

1 John 1

We write this to make our joy complete - 1 John 1:4

In all the years I spent as a Youth Pastor and now Senior Pastor I have known this sentiment several times. There is something special one someone listens to what you teach and then puts it into practice. You work hard to make the Word of God come alive and be relevant, you pray and seek God for anointing and that He would use what you are saying, but that is no guarantee that anyone will really listen. As soon as it comes out of your mouth it's in the Lord's hands and totally His decision about what to do with it. Will it make any impact? Will it take root? Who knows? But when it does, when someone tells you how they are making commitments to dig deeper in the Word, or spending more time in prayer, or sharing their faith every time they get the opportunity, it increases my joy. It is a thrill to be able to be used by God to further His Kingdom and I love to delight in the fruit God brings to my ministry. Let me encourage you, if any minister has increased your love for the Lord, let them know that their joy may be made complete.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

John 18

XVIII Jesus arrested, Tried, and Denied
A. vs 1-11 Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested
B. vs 12-14 Jesus is taken to Annas
C. vs 15-18 Peter denies Christ for the first time
D. vs 19-24 Jesus is questioned by the High Priest
E. vs 25-27 Peter denies Christ for the second and third time
F. vs 28-40 Jesus is interrogated by Pilate and the crowd wants Barabbas released instead of Jesus

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

John 17

XVII Jesus' Prayer
A. vs 1-5 Jesus prays that the Father would glorify Him so He can glorify the Father
B. vs 6-19 Jesus prays for the Disciples
1. vs 6-12 Jesus asks the Father to protect the disciples
2. vs 13-19 Jesus asks the Father to sanctify the disciple by His Word
C. vs 20-26 Jesus prays for all believers
1. vs 20-23 May all believers be brought into complete unity in Christ
2. vs 24 Jesus wants all believers to see His glory
3. vs 25-26 Jesus will continue to make the Father known so all may be in Him

Monday, July 21, 2008

John 16

XVI What the Holy Spirit will do when He Comes
A. vs 1-16 The Work of the Holy Spirit
1. vs 1-4 Soon anyone who kills a disciple will think he is doing God's will
2. vs 5-11 If Jesus goes away, the Counselor will come
3. vs 12-16 The Spirit will come and guide in all truth
B. vs 17-33 Grief will turn to Joy
1. vs 17-18 The disciples were not sure what He meant
2. vs 19-24 Soon grief will turn to joy and the disciples will be able to ask anything in Jesus' name
3. vs 25-28 Jesus says He is leaving to go back to the Father
4. vs 29-32 The disciples finally believe what Jesus is saying
5. vs 33 He has overcome the world

John 15

XV The Vine and Branches
A. vs 1-17 The Vine and The Branches
1. vs 1-4 Jesus is the vine and His Father is the gardener
2. vs 5-8 We are the branches and must bear fruit
3. vs 9-17 Jesus commands us to love each other
B. vs 18-27 The Disciples will be hated
1. vs 18-25 Those that persecuted Jesus will also persecute His followers
2. vs 26-27 The Counselor will testify of Jesus

Sunday, July 20, 2008

John 14

XIV Jesus Teaches His Disciples
A. vs 1-14 Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life
1. vs 1-4 Jesus teaches about the mansions He will prepare for us
2. vs 5-7 Jesus is the Way to heaven, the Truth and the Life
3. vs 8-14 Anyone who has seen Jesus has seen the Father
B. vs 15-31 Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
1. vs 15-21 Jesus will send the Counselor
2. vs 22-24 Jesus will come and live with anyone who loves Him
3. vs 25-27 The Holy Spirit will teach us all things
4. vs 28-31 Be glad that Jesus is going back to Father because the Father is greater than the Son

John 13

XIII Jesus Washes the Disciple's Feet
A. vs 1-17 Jesus washes His disciple's feet
1. vs 1-5 After the meal Jesus prepares to wash His disciple's feet
2. vs 6-9 Jesus washes Peter's feet
3. vs 10-11 When a person has had a bath only the dirty feet need to be cleaned
4. vs 12-17 Jesus commands that we wash each other's feet
B. vs 18-30 Jesus predicts His betrayal
1. vs 18-20 Jesus predicts His betrayal so when it happens His disciples would know that He already knew it was going to happen
2. vs 21-25 The disciples want to know who will betray Him
3. vs 26-27 Satan entered into Judas
4. vs 28-30 Judas went out to betray Jesus
C. vs 31-38 Jesus predicts Peter's Denial
1. vs 31-32 Jesus is glorified by the Father and glorifies the Father
2. vs 33-35 Jesus gives a new command, Love one another
3. vs 36-38 Peter says He will follow Jesus and Jesus says he deny Christ 3 times

John 12

XII Jesus Anointed, Triumphal Entry
A. vs 1-11 Mary anoints Jesus
1. vs 1-3 Mary pours perfume on Jesus
2. vs 4-6 Judas complains that the perfume could have been sold and the money given to the poor
3. vs 7-8 Jesus says that the perfume was to prepare Him for His burial
4. vs 9-11 The chief priests plan to kill Jesus and Lazarus
B. vs 12-19 The Triumphal Entry
1. vs 12-15 The crowd greets Jesus as He rides on a donkey into Jerusalem
2. vs 16-19 The Pharisees are upset to see such a large crowd praising Jesus
C. vs 20-36 Jesus predicts His Death
1. vs 20-22 Greeks come to see Jesus
2. vs 23-26 Jesus says to love life is to lose it and to hate your life is to keep it eternally
3. vs 27-29 The Father speaks and says that His name will be glorified
4. vs 30-33 Jesus says the voice was heard for the benefit of those around Him
5. vs 34-36 Trust in the light will the light is around
D. vs 37-50 Jews continue in Unbelief
1. vs 37-40 The Jews could still not believe because their eyes had been shut
2. vs 41-43 Some refused to follow Him because they loved the praise of men
3. vs 44-46 When we believe in Christ we also believe in the Father
4. vs 47-50 Jesus says what the Father tells Him to do

Thursday, July 17, 2008

John 11

XI Lazarus
A. vs 1-16 Death of Lazarus
1. vs 1-3 Mary and Marthe send word to Jesus that Lazarus is sick
2. vs 4-6 Jesus stayed for two more days to fully glorify God
3. vs 7-10 Jesus tells His disciples they are going back to Judea
4. vs 11-16 Jesus tells His disciples that Lazarus has died
B. vs 17-37 Jesus and Lazarus' sisters
1. vs 17-20 Jesus arrives, Lazarus has been dead of 4 days and Martha comes to greet Jesus
2. vs 21-23 Jesus tells Martha that her brother will rise again
3. vs 24-27 Jesus says He is the resurrection and the life and Martha acknowledges Him as Christ
4. vs 28-31 Mary goes to Jesus and a crowd follows her
5. vs 32-37 Jesus weeps with the crowd
C. vs 38-44 Resurrection of Lazarus
1. vs 38-39 Jesus tells them to roll away the stone
2. vs 40-42 Jesus prays to the Father
3. vs 43-44 Jesus commands Lazarus to come out of the tomb
D. vs 45-57 The Jews plot against Jesus
1. vs 45-48 The Sanhedrin fear that Jesus will cause a revolt and bring the Romans down upon them
2. vs 49-53 The chief priest prophecies about Jesus' death
3. vs 54-57 The chief priests give orders to have Jesus arrested

Monday, July 14, 2008

John 10

X The Good Shepherd, The Unbelieving Jews

A. vs 1-21 The Good Shepherd

1. vs 1-6 Jesus compares His followers to sheep that He shepherds

2. vs 7-10 Sheep will find life in Him but the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy

3. vs 11-13 Jesus is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep

4. vs 14-18 Jesus has the authority to not only lay down His life but to pick it back up also

5. vs 19-21 This teaching again divided the Jews into believers and nonbelievers

B. vs 22-42 The Unbelieving Jews

1. vs 22-24 The Jews want Him to say clearly that He is the Christ

2. vs 25-30 No one can snatch Christ's sheep out of His hand

3. vs 31-33 The Jews threaten to stone Him for blasphemy

4. vs 34-39 He tells them to believe on Him and His miracles

5. vs 40-42 Many of John the Baptist's old followers believe in Jesus

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. John 10: 27-28

Here is a truth that I was very unsure about for much of my Christian walk. I wasn't sure if salvation could be lost or not. If it couldn't be lost, what do we do with all the people who "asked Jesus in to their heart" but showed no sign of salvation? If it could be lost, what loses it? At what point is someone no longer saved? Thank God He allowed my questions to be answered by showing me His truth in His Word. Once we are saved we are always saved and the proof of salvation is we bear fruit until the end comes. If Jesus is my Lord, nothing can snatch me out of His hand. If I ever turn my back on Him and walk away, it is proof that I was never saved to begin with. Now I can rest safe in His arms, not trying to earn my salvation and work hard knowing that I am increasing His Glory.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

John 9

IX Jesus heals a Man born blind
A. vs 1-12 The Healing
1. vs 1-2 The disciples want to know why a man was born blind
2. vs 3-5 Jesus says it happened to shoe His glory when He heals Him
3. vs 6-7 Jesus puts mud in his eyes and tells him to go wash, the man was then healed
4. vs 8-10 People want to know how it happened
5. vs 11-12 He tells them that Jesus healed him
B. vs 13-34 The Pharisees investigate
1. vs 13-15 The Pharisees want to know how he was healed on a Sabbath
2. vs 16-17 The man says that He is a prophet
3. vs 18-19 The Pharisees ask his parents how he was healed
4. vs 20-23 In fear the parents tell the Pharisees to ask him their selves
5. vs 24-27 The Pharisees assume that Jesus is a sinner but the man says that he was once blind but know he sees
6. vs 28-34 The Pharisees throw him out of the synagogue
C. vs 35-41 Jesus gets the man
1. vs 35-37 Jesus tells the man that He is the Son of Man
2. vs 38-39 The man believes in Jesus as the Messiah
3. vs 40-41 Jesus says the Pharisees are blind and guilty

Friday, July 11, 2008

John 7 and 8

VII Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles
A. vs 1-13 Jesus goes to the Feast
1. vs 1-5 Jesus' brothers want Him to go to Judea where people want to kill Him and perform miracles because the did not believe that He was the Messiah
2. vs 6-9 Jesus says the world hates Him because He testifies to what is evil then sends His family ahead of Him to Judea
3. vs 11-13 Jesus goes to the feast in cogneto and hears what the people are saying about Him
B. vs 14-24 Jesus begins to teach
1. vs 14-15 Halfway through the Feast, Jesus begins to teach to the amazement of the crowd
2. vs 16-19 The Father has told the Son what to teach and the people are trying to kill Him for it
3. vs 20-24 If they could circumcise on the Sabbath, why were they upset when He healed on the Sabbath
C. vs 25-44 The people begin to ask if He is the Christ
1. vs 25-27 The people wonder if the authorities have concluded that He is the Christ because they are not stopping Him from teaching
2. vs 28-29 Jesus knows the Father and the Father sent Him to teach
3. vs 30-31 Many put their faith in Him
4. vs 32-36 Jesus says He will soon go back to the Father and the people will look for Him and not be able to find Him
5. vs 37-39 Jesus said that anyone who comes to Him and drinks will never thirst again
6. vs 40-44 The people were divided, some believed and some did not
D. vs 45-53 The Jewish Leaders do not believe
1. vs 45-46 The Pharisees asked the Temple Guards why they did not arrest Him
2. vs 47-49 The Pharisees say that no one who knows the Law believes Him
3. vs 50-53 Nicodemus tries to defend Him

VIII The Woman caught in Adultery, Jesus testimony about Himself
A. vs 1-11 The woman caught in Adultery
1. vs 1-5 The Pharisees bring a woman caught in adultery to Jesus and ask whether or not they should stone her as the Law demands
2. vs 6-8 Jesus said that the should stone her but the one without sin should start
3. vs 9-11 Jesus tells her He does not condemn her and to leave her life of sin
B. vs 12-30 Jesus defends the validity of His Testimony
1. vs 12-13 The Pharisees say that because He is testifying about Himself, His testimony is not valid
2. vs 14-18 The Father also testifies for the Son
3. vs 19-22 Jesus says if they really knew the Father they would know Him also
4. vs 23-26 Jesus says He is exactly who He has been saying He is all along
5. vs 27-30 They will find out who e is when He has been lifted up
C. vs 31-47 Children of Abraham or the Devil
1. vs 31-32 we are His disciples only if we hold to His teaching
2. vs 33-38 Everyone who sins is a slave to sin but who the Son sets free is truly free
3. vs 39-41 They say their only father is Abraham
4. vs 42-47 Jesus says their father is the Devil because they do what the Devil does
D. vs 48-59 Jesus speaks about Himself
1. vs 48-51 Anyone who keeps Christ's word will never see death
2. vs 52-56 Jesus says that Abraham looked to His day and was glad
3. vs 57-59 Jesus says that He existed before Abraham and the people picked up stones in order to kill Him

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." - John 8:31-32

The proof is in the pudding. If I said I loved my wife and never spoke to her or thought about her you could safely call me a liar. If I say I loved Football and never watched any games, or read the sports page, or talked about my team, you could safely say I don't really love Football. In the same way, if I say I love Christ but have no interest in His teachings: learning them, applying them, loving them; then You can safely say I do not love Christ. It is by holding fast to the teachings of Christ that we prove our love. We must grow in holiness, show the fruit of the Spirit, learn our Bibles, spend time in prayer and so on. Not because those things save us but because when we love Christ we live to do those things. Our christian walk has become a joy because we are so grateful that He has saved us. In fact, if we are not saved, then the good works that God has called us to will become a burden on us and bring us death.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

John 6

Well, it finally happened. When God called my wife and me to start this church we knew that there was going to be resistance from some people. We knew that it wasn't going to be an easy thing but we also knew that what ever happened God would give us the ability to overcome. Well at least now I know where the first bit of trouble will be coming from. I am trusting that God is my shield and my buckler and will fight on my behalf and those whose confidence is in the Lord will not be put to shame. To God be all the Glory for great things He will do.

VI Jesus feeds the Five Thousand, Walks upon the Water, and says He is the Bread of Life
A. vs 1-15 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
1. vs 1-4 Jesus sits on a mountainside with His disciples and a great crowd follows
2. vs 5-7 Jesus tells the disciples to feed the people and Philip says that 8 months wages would not be enough to buy all the food needed
3. vs 8-9 Andrew says there is a boy with 5 loaves and 2 fish
4. vs 10-11 Jesus sat the people down and passed out enough food to feed everyone
5. vs 12-13 Jesus had the disciples gather the leftovers
6. vs 14-15 Jesus withdrew to a mountain
B. vs 16-24 Jesus walks upon the water
1. vs 16-21 Jesus walked to the boat in the midst of a storm, upon the water
2.vs 22-24 The crowd gets into boats and begins to search for Jesus
C. vs 25-59 Jesus says He is the Bread of Life
1. vs 25-27 Jesus knows that the crowd is looking for Him just because He fed them
2. vs 28-29 Jesus tells them they must believe in Him
3. vs 30-31 The crowd wants to know what miraculous sign He will give them so they will believe in Him
4. vs 32-33 Jesus says the bread from Heaven did not come from Moses but God and He is that bread
5. vs 34-40 Jesus is the bread of Life and will never turn away any who come to Him
6. vs 41-42 Some do not believe because they knew His parents yet He says He came from Heaven
7. vs 43-51 No one comes to Him unless the Father draws Him and all who eat of Him will have everlasting life
8. vs 52-59 Jesus says you must eat His flesh and drink His blood in order to have everlasting life
D. vs 60-71 Some that follow him, depart
1. vs 60 What Jesus says is difficult to understand so some stop following Him
2. vs 61-65 Jesus confronts the grumbling disciples and reminds them that no one can come to Him unless the Father enables Him
3. vs 66-69 Jesus asks if His Twelve will leave Him also and Peter says they will not
4. vs 70-71 Jesus says that one of the Twelve will betray Him

No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him - John 6:44

I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life - John 6:47

Here in just a few verses is one of the dichotomies in Scripture that has always boggled my mind. How are we saved? God draws us! How are we saved? We must believe! These two ideas are held in perfect tension in the mind of God. God is responsible for our salvation and we are responsible for believing. God commands all men everywhere to repent but only He can give us the ability to repent. Look at the other side of the coin and you see the problem. If we are not saved who is responsible for our damnation? Us and us alone. Though we are not saved because God did not draw us, we alone are held responsible for our sins. How can this be? Because we are but clay pots in the hands of our Master and He will do with us as He pleases. Some will go to everlasting Life and some to everlasting Death and God alone makes the decision on who to save and who to not save. Therefore, work out your salvation with fear and trembling and pray that you will endure to the end. Also pray that laborers by sent into the harvest so many will repent and the Lamb will receive the full reward for His sufferings.

Monday, July 7, 2008

John 5

V The Healing by the Pool, Jesus' Testimony
A. vs 1-15 The Healing by the Pool
1. vs 1-6 Jesus asks a man lying by a pool if he would like to be healed
2. vs 7 The man says he is trying to get healed but cannot get to the pool
3. vs 8-9 Jesus heals the man
4. vs 10 The man carries his mat away on the Sabbath which gets him in trouble
5. vs 11-12 The Jews want to know who told him to work on the Sabbath
6. vs 13-15 The man tells the Jews that Jesus healed hum
B. vs 16-47 Jesus testifies about Himself
1. vs 16-18 The Jews take offense at what Jesus is doing and teaching and begin to plot to kill Him
2. vs 19-23 The Son does what the Father tells Him to do and not honoring the Son means not honoring the Father
3. vs 24-27 The Father has given the Son authority to judge
4. vs 28-30 All will be judged and Christ judges as His Father tells Him to
5. vs 31-32 The Father testifies on behalf of His Son
6. vs 33-35 John the Baptist also testifies to the truth
7. vs 36-40 The Scriptures testify to Christ yet some still don't believe
8. vs 41-44 Make an effort to obtain the praise that comes from God
9. vs 45-47 Moses will accuse the Jews

Saturday, July 5, 2008

John 4

IV Jesus in Samaria, Jesus Heals an officials son
A vs 1-38 Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
1. vs 1-3 Jesus leaves Judea to return to Galilee when the Pharisees learn that His disciples are baptizing more people than John the Baptist
2. vs 4-6 Jesus travels through Samaria and rests near Jacob's well
3. vs 7-8 A Samaritan woman comes to the well and Jesus asks her for water
4. vs 9 The woman asks why He is talking to her because she is a Samaritan and a woman
5. vs 10 Jesus says that if she knew who He was she would be asking Him for water, Living Water
6. vs 11-12 She is unclear on how Jesus would get this Living Water
7. vs 13-14 Jesus says whoever drinks this water will never thirst again
8. vs 15-18 Jesus tells her to get her husband then tells her He knows she has had five husbands and is not married now
9. vs 19-24 Jesus tells her that where you worship is not important but how you worship is
10. vs 25-26 Jesus tells her that He is the Messiah
B. vs 27-38 The disciples show back up
1. vs 27-30 The disciples return and the woman goes back to town and tells people about Jesus
2. vs 31-33 The disciples want Jesus to eat and Jesus says He has food that they don't know about
3. vs 34-38 Jesus says the fields are ripe to be harvested
C. vs 39-42 The Samaritans come and believe that Jesus is the Messiah
D. vs 43-54 Jesus Heals an Official's Son
1. vs 43-45 Jesus returns to Galilee
2. vs 46-47 A royal official came to Jesus and asked if He would heal his son
3. vs 48-50 Jesus says the man's son will live
4. vs 51-54 The man finds out his son was healed exactly when Jesus said he would be so him and his entire house believe

Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:21-24

I have been going through something when it comes to worship. Obviously the point of this passage is that where you worship is not important but how. We must worship "in spirit and truth" but what does that mean? I think "spirit" is in contrast to the locations mentioned before. We no longer have to travel to a particular mountain to worship but it can be done anywhere at any time. It is the 'truth" that gives me pause. I know that this means our worship must be theologically accurate. Our chorus' should reflect who God is and who we are. Doctrine should be sung as well as taught. In fact our songs should reinforce the teaching from the pulpit. My problem is I have spent so long in small-minded, repetitive worship music I wonder if this music is even out there and how I can get my hands on some. I want music that makes God look Big and High and Holy and Majestic and causes our souls to worship by reminding us of His many attributes and characteristics. I want the old Hymns but at the same time I want the contemporary music. I like drums. And electric guitar. and bass guitar. Surely someone has taken these two worlds and mashed them together.

Friday, July 4, 2008

John 3

III Nicodemus and John
A. vs 1-21 Nicodemus meets and questions Jesus
1. vs 1-2 Nicodemus acknowledges that Jesus is at least a great teacher
2. vs 3-4 Nicodemus wants to know what it means to be "Born Again"
3. vs 5-8 The Spirit gives birth to life in the spirits of men
4. vs 9-15 Jesus is using earthly examples to illustrate a heavenly concept
5. vs 16-21 God sent His Son in the world to save the world and all who believe on Him will have eternal life
B. vs 22-36 John the Baptist Testifies about Jesus
1. vs 22-26 John's disciples are starting to get upset because more people are going to Jesus
2. vs 27-30 John is joyful that people are going to Jesus
3. vs 31-36 John testifies that Jesus is the Messiah

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him. John 3:36

This really messes with the whole "God hates Sin but Loves Sinners" Theology. We see in many places in scripture that the wrath of God "abides" or remains, or hovers over sinners like a black cloud. God absolutely is angry with sinners and demands that all sinners everywhere repent. But the problem is that it is the very wrath of God and our own innate sinfulness that makes it impossible to repent in our own power. This is why it is necessary for God to first intervene. God must first move on our hearts and drop the scales from our eyes in order that we may see His Son as glorious, then we see our own sinfulness in the light of His Holiness and that causes us to repent. Salvation is entirely a work of God from beginning to end and one we took no part in without God's irresistible grace compelling us. Therefore, our freedom from the wrath that used to abide on us is something we can give God all the glory for and take none of the credit for.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

John 2

II Jesus does first miracle; Clears Temple
A. vs 1-11 Jesus changes the Water into Wine
1. vs 1-3 Jesus and his disciples are invited to a wedding in Cana that runs out of wine
2. vs 4-5 Mary asks here son to do something about the wine
3. vs 6-8 Jesus gives servants instructions to fill six large stone jars with water
4. vs 9-11 When the Water is ladled out, it has turned to wine that is better than the wine already served
B. vs 12-25 Jesus clears the temple
1. Vs 12 Jesus travels to Capernaum to stay with His family
2. vs 13-16 Jesus went to the Temple in Jerusalem, saw the money changers, and began to throw them out
3. vs 17 This reminds the disciples of an Old Testament verse that speaks of the Messiah
4. vs 18-19 The Jews ask for a miraculous sign that gives Him the authority to do this and He says that if they tear down the Temple He will build it again in three days
5. vs 20-22 The Temple He spoke of was His own body
6. vs 23-25 Many believed on Him but He did not entrust Himself to them

John 2:24-25 But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all men. He did not need man's testimony about man, for he knew what was in a man.

Again we see here a benefit of having a clear direction and purpose. Jesus knew exactly who He was and therefore did not need any outside affirmation. It's always nice to get a pat on the back or an "Attaboy" but the presence or absence of those should not effect the course of our life. In fact when that happens we betray that we are living for the praise of men instead of the praise of The Man, our Lord Jesus. There is a calling on each of our lives to do something great for the Kingdom of God and if you are doing it right you probably won't have too many friends. Holiness and sanctification is not something the world really appreciates and they certainly won't like it if you call them to the standard that God demands, but do it anyway. Be bold for the Lord and watch how God moves to confirm His Word.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

John 1

I The Beginning of Christ's Ministry
A. vs 1-18 The Incarnation
1. vs 1-2 The Word was pre-existent with God, not created
2. vs 3-5 The Word created all things and is Light
3. vs 6-9 John the Baptist came as a witness to the Light
4. vs 10-13 The world did not receive Him, only those who believed on His name
5. vs 14 The Word was made flesh and shares the same Glory as the Father
6. vs 15-18 John testifies of Christ
B. vs 19-28 John denies being the Christ
1. vs 19-21 Some Jews ask if John the Baptist was the Messiah, Elijah or a prophet and he tells them no
2. vs 22-23 John says he is the voice of one crying out in the wilderness
3. vs 24-25 Some Pharisees want to know why he baptizes
4. vs 26-28 John says the Messiah is coming
C. vs 29-34 John testifies that Jesus is the Lamb of God
D. vs 35-42 Jesus calls His first three disciples, John, Andrew, and Peter
E. vs 43-51 Jesus calls Philip and Nathaniel to be His Disciples.

John 1:23 John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, "I am the voice of one calling in the desert, 'Make straight the way for the Lord.'

How much simpler life is when you know exactly what your purpose is. To be able to look the world in the face and say who you are and what you are here for. And if we are being honest, our purpose is no different that John's. We also should be the ones "calling in the desert", telling the world that Christ will soon be here. We should be the ones telling the world of the Holiness of our God and what will happen if anyone stands before Him in their sins. It should be such a burden that even if it takes us out into the wilderness with nothing to eat but locusts and honey, we are still honored to take the message of our King to the people that need it. My prayer for me lately is that I would have the kind of singular focus that is needed to be able to clearly proclaim Christ and His gospel. I would encourage you to do the same.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Acts 18

XVIII Paul in Corinth, Syria, and Antioch
A. vs 1-17 Paul in Corinth
1. vs 1-4 Paul meets Aquilla and Priscilla in Corinth
2. vs 5-6 Once Timothy and Silas arrive, Paul commits himself fully to preaching
3. vs 7-8 Paul saves the synagogue ruler
4. vs 9-11 God tells Paul to stay in a vision
5. vs 12-13 The Jews bring Paul before the proconsul
6. vs 14-17 The proconsul refuses to hear the charges and ejects them from the court
B. vs 18-28 Paul in Syria and Antioch
1. vs 18-22 Paul preaches in the synagogue in Ephesus
2. vs 23 Paul travels from Antioch to Galatia and Phyrgia, preaching as he goes
3. vs 24-26 Priscilla and Aquila meet Apollos and teach him more adequately about Christianity
4. vs 27-28 Apollos is sent out to preach

Friday, April 25, 2008

Acts 17

XVII Paul Travels to Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens
A. vs 1-9 Thessalonica
1. vs 1-4 Paul preaches in the Thessalonian synagogue
2. vs 5-9 The Jews rushed to Jason's house to find Paul. When they cannot find Paul they drag Jason out to the city officials
B. vs 10-15 Berea
1. vs 10-12 Paul and Silas go to Berea where they search the scriptures to see if what Paul is saying is true
2. vs 13-15 Thessalonian Jews come to Berea so Paul travels to Athens
C. vs 16-34 Athens
1. vs 16-21 The Athenians bring Paul to the Areopagus to hear his preaching
2. vs 22-23 Paul starts with a reference to the Athenian idol "The Unknown God"
3. vs 24-28 Paul tells how God made the world and everyone in it
4. vs 29-31 God has called all men to repent
5. vs 32-34 Some Athenians believed the gospel

Acts 16

XVI Paul and Silas land in Prison
A. vs 1-5 Timothy joins Paul and Silas
B. vs 6-10 Paul has a vision of a Macedonian man asking him to come preach
C. vs 11-15 Paul preaches to Lydia and she is saved
D. vs 16-40 Paul and Silas in Prison
1. vs 16-18 Paul cast a spirit out of a little girl who predicted the future
2. vs 19-21 The girl's owners drag Paul and Silas in front of the authorities
3. vs 22-24 Paul and Silas are beaten and thrown in jail
4. vs 25-28 An earthquake shakes the jail and all the prison doors are flung open but no one tries to escape
5. vs 29-30 The jailer wants to know what he must do to be saved
6. vs 31-34 The jailer converts and feeds and cleans Paul and Silas
7. vs 35-36 The jailer says that Paul and Silas are free to go
8. vs 37 Paul says they were imprisoned unjustly and the magistrates should come and escort them out
9. vs 38-40 The magistrates escort them out and ask them to leave the city.

Acts 15

XV The first Christian Council in Jerusalem
A. vs 1-21 What rules should Gentile believers follow?
1. vs 1-4 Paul and Barnabas are sent to Jerusalem to settle the question of what laws Christians are supposed to follow
2. vs 5 The Pharasee believers say that Gentile believers should be circumcised and follow all the laws of Moses
3. vs 6-11 Peter disagrees and says that it is by grace alone that they are saved
4. vs 12-18 James reminds the believers that God said he would save the Gentiles
5. vs 19-21 4 basic rules are given for Gentiles to follow
B. vs 22-35 The council sends a letter to the Gentile churches
1. vs 22-29 A letter is sent, outlining the basic rules Gentile believers should follow
2. vs 30-35 The letter is received with gladness
C. vs 36-41 After a disagreement, Paul and Barnabas split ways

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Acts 14

XIV The Missionary Journey Continues
A. vs 1-7 They travel to Iconium and make many disciples
B. vs 8-20 They go Lystra and Derbe
1. vs 8-10 In Lystra, Paul heals a lame man
2. vs 11-13 Paul and Barnabas are mistaken as Greek Gods, Hermes and Zeus
3. vs 14-18 Paul tries to stop the confusion be preaching about the true God
4. vs 19-20 The crowd stones Paul and leaves him for dead
C. vs 21-28 Return to Antioch
1. vs 21-25 They retraced their steps and strengthened the churches they established
2. vs 26-28 They stayed for a long time in Antioch

Acts 13

XIII Paul and Barnabas begin their first Missionary journey
A. vs 1-3 Paul and Barnabas are sent out
B. vs 4-12 They Travel to Cyprus
1. vs 4-5 Paul, Barnabas and John go to Cyprus and preach in the Jewish Synagogues
2. vs 6-11 Paul prophesies against Elymas the Sorcerer
3. vs 11-12 Elymas is blinded by God
C. vs 13-52 They travel to Pisidian Antioch
1. vs 13-15 They travel to Pisidian Antioch and preach in the synagogue
2. vs 16-22 Paul recaps the pertinent sections of the O.T.
3. vs 23-25 John the Baptist proclaims the coming Christ
4. vs 26-31 God raised Jesus from the dead and many people witnessed it
5. vs 32-37 Paul lays out some prophecies linking David to the Messiah
6. vs 38-41 Paul says that through Jesus we have forgiveness of sins and warns not to disbelieve what he is saying
7. vs 42-45 They are asked to return the next Sabbath
8. vs 46-48 The Jews reject what he says so Paul goes to the Gentiles
9. vs 49-52 The Word of the Lord spread but Paul and Barnabas are kicked out of the region

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Acts 12

XII Peter Escapes from Prison
A. vs 1-19 An Angel releases peter from a jail cell
1. vs 1-4 Peter is arrested
2. vs 5-7 An angel releases Peter from his prison cell
3. vs 8-10 Peter follows the angel out, thinking it is a vision
4. vs 11-14 Peter realizes it's real and goes to John Mark's house
5. vs 15-17 Peter tells what happened then leaves for another place
6. vs 18-19 Herod has the guards killed
B. vs 20-25 Herod Dies
1. vs 20 The kings of Tyre and Sidon get an audience with Herod
2. vs 21-23 Herod give a speech and the people say he is like a god. God then kills him.
3. vs 24-25 The word of God continues to spread and Saul and Barnabas return from Jerusalem taking John Mark with them.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Acts 11

XI Peter Explains Why He Ate with Gentiles
A. vs 1-18 Peter and the Gentiles
1. vs 1-3 The Jews criticized Peter for eating with Gentiles
2. vs 4-10 Peter explains his vision
3. vs 11-14 Peter tells how Cornelius sent for him
4. vs 15-18 The Jews rejoice because God has let the Gentiles into the Kingdom of God
B. vs 19-30 The church at Antioch
1. vs 19-21 The church has spread and now includes Greeks from Antioch
2. vs 22-24 The church sends Barnabas to Antioch to strengthen those believers
3. vs 25-26 Barnabas brings Paul to Antioch
4. vs 27-30 A prophet predicts a famine and the church is able to prepare for it

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Acts 10

X Peter and Cornelius
A. vs 1-8 Cornelius is told by an angel to send for Peter
1. vs 1-3 An angel visits Cornelius
2. vs 4-6 The angel tells where to find Peter
3. vs 7-8 Cornelius sends his men to Peter
B. vs 9-23 Peter receives a vision
1. vs 9-13 Peter receives a vision of all kinds of animals and God tells him to kill and eat
2. vs 14-16 Peter refuses because the animals are unclean and the Lord tells him not to call unclean what God has called clean
3. vs 17-20 After the vision, Cornelius' men arrive and the Spirit says to go with them
4. vs 21-23 Peter invites the gentiles into his house
C. vs 24-48 Peter and Cornelius
1. vs 24-26 Peter goes to Cornelius
2. vs 27-29 Peter tells about his vision
3. vs 30-33 Cornelius relays his vision
4. vs 34-43 Peter shares the gospel with Cornelius and his household
5. vs 44-48 The Holy Spirit comes upon them and Peter baptizes them

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Acts 9

IX Saul's Conversion and Ministry Beginnings
A. vs 1-18 Saul's Conversion
1. vs 1-6 Jesus meets Paul on the Road to Damascus and blinds him
2. vs 7-9 Paul is led by the hand into Damascus
3. vs 10-16 Jesus sends Ananias to heal Paul
4. vs 17-18 Ananias prays and Paul's sight is restored
B. vs 19-31 Saul begins to minister in Damascus and Jerusalem
1. vs 19-22 Saul proves that Jesus is the Messiah in the synagogues in Damascus
2. vs 23-25 Saul escapes a plot to kill him in Damascus
3. vs 26-30 Saul travels to Jerusalem where he continues to preach
4. vs 31 The church enjoys a time of peace and continues to grow
C. vs 32-43 Peter heals Dorcus
1. vs 32-35 Peter travels to Lydda and heals Aeneas
2. vs 36-38 Peter is asked to travel to Joppa to heal Dorcus
3. vs 39-43 Peter arrives after Dorcus dies but is able to raise her from the dead

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Acts 8

VIII The Gospel Spreads to Samaria
A. vs 1-3 Saul begins to persecute the Church
B. vs 4-25 Philip preaches in Samaria
1. vs 4-8 Philip proclaims Christ in Samaria and many are healed and delivered
2. vs 9-13 Simon the Sorcerer believes the gospel and is baptized
3. vs 14-17 Peter and John are sent to Samaria to baptize the new believers in the Holy Spirit
4. vs 18-19 Simon wants to buy the ability to baptize in the Holy Spirit from the apostles
5. vs 20-23 Peter rebukes Simon and tells him to repent
6. vs 24 Simon asks Peter to pray for him
7. vs 25 Peter and John return to Jerusalem, preaching as they go
C. vs 26-40 Philip and the Ethiopian
1. vs 26-29 An angel directs Philip to an Ethiopian official
2. vs 30-33 Philip asks him if he understands the scroll containing Isaiah that he is reading
3. vs 34-35 Philip uses a passage from Isaiah to preach the gospel of Christ Jesus
4. vs 36-40 The Ethiopian is baptized and Philip is transported to Azotus

Acts 7

VII Stephen recaps the Old Testament and is stoned
A. vs 1-53 Stephen speaks to the Sanhedrin
1. vs 1 The Sanhedrin asks Stephen if the charges brought against him are true
2. vs 2-3 Stephen retells the calling of Abraham
3. vs 4-8 The story of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
4. vs 9-10 Joseph is sold to Egypt
5. vs 11-16 The Jews move to Egypt
6. vs 17-19 Pharoah dealt treacherously with the Jews
7. vs 20-22 Moses is born and raised by Pharoah's daughter
8. vs 23-26 Moses killed an Egyptian and was found out
9. vs 27-29 Moses fled to Midian
10. vs 30-32 Moses sees a burning bush
11. vs 33-34 God send Moses back to Egypt
12. vs 35-36 Moses led the Jews out of Egypt
13. vs 37-38 God gave Moses the Law
14. vs 39-43 The people refused to obey Moses but followed gods of their own making
15. vs 44-47 From Moses to David and Solomon
16. vs 48-50 God does not live in houses built by men
17. vs 51-53 Stephen blasts the Saduceess and tells them they murdered the Messiah
B. vs 54-60 The stoning of Stephen
1. vs 54-56 Stephen sees heaven open up
2. vs 57-58 The witnesses drag him outside of the city to stone him
3. vs 59-60 While they were stoning him, he prays that God would forgive them

Monday, April 7, 2008

What did I learn?

What did I learn in Acts 1-6?
Acts 1:2 says that Jesus gave instructions to the Apostles through the Holy Spirit. What does that mean? (Was He not there, or was this an example of two persons of the Trinity working together?)
The Apostles chose Matthias to replace Judas. (I think God chose Paul)
Peter preaches on the street corner (I want to do this)
Peter says "Repent and be baptized" (I would probably have said, Give your heart to Jesus) (And I would have been wrong)
Acts 2 has not just the birth of the Church but the structure also. (Evangelism, Teaching, Fellowship, Prayer, and Worship)
Peter and John had a boldness I envy (and covet)
The apostles rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer for His Name (most of us whine over even the slightest inconvenience)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Acts 6

VI Stephen is Arrested
A. vs 1-7 Seven men are chosen to oversee the distribution of food to widows
1. vs 1-4 Some believers feel there widows are being slighted in the daily distribution of food
2. vs 5-6 Seven are chosen to oversee this task
3. vs 7 The church grows rapidly with a large number of priests becoming believers
B. vs 8-15 One of the seven, Stephen, is arrested
1. vs 8-10 Some non-believers begin to argue with Stephen but cannot stand up to His wisdom
2. vs 11 These men secretly persuade other men to lie about Stephen
3. vs 12-15 Stephen is brought before the Sanhedrin and questioned

Acts 5

V Ananias and Sapphira die and the churh continues to be persecuted
A. vs 1-11 Ananias and Sapphira
1. vs 1-2 Ananias sold a piece of property and kept some of the money for himself
2. vs 3-4 Peter calls Ananias on his lie
3. vs 5-6 Ananias dies
4. vs 7-8 Sapphira comes in and Peter asks her if the amount given was all the money the land sold for
5. vs 9-11 Sapphira lies, dies, and great fear comes on the church
B. vs 12-16 The people bring all their sick for the Apostles to heal
C. vs 17-42 The apostles are persecuted
1. vs 17-20 The Sanhedrin arrests the Apostles and puts them in jail but an angel comes and lets them out
2. vs 21-24 The officers cannot find the apostles in their cell
3. vs 25-26 The Apostles are found in the Temple courtyard
4. vs 27-28 The Sanhedrin says that they told the apostles not to teach in the name of Jesus
5. vs 29-32 Peter says they must obey God rather than man
6. vs 33-39 Gamiliel says that if these men are from God, then to oppose them is to oppose God
7. vs 40-42 The Apostles are released and rejoice that they were counted worthy to suffer for Christ

Acts 4

IV Peter and John explain themselves to the Sanhedrin
A. vs 1-22 Peter and John are brought before the Sanhedrin
1. vs 1-4 The priest and the Temple Guard put Peter and John in prison until the morning
2. vs 5-7 The rulers, elders and teachers bring Peter and John before them
3. vs 8-12 Peter says there is no other name besides Jesus by which man must be saved
4. vs 13-17 The Sanhedrin decides to tell the apostles to stop teaching in the name of Jesus
5. vs 18-20 Peter and John say they cannot help but teach in His name
6. vs 21-22 The Sanhedrin release them
B. vs 23-31 The Church Prays
1. vs 23-26 Peter and John go back and lead the church in prayer
2. vs 27-31 after the prayer the church goes out and preaches with boldness
C. vs 32-37 the believers share there possessions with each other

Acts 3

III Peter performs a Miracle
A. vs 1-10 Peter heals a crippled beggar
1. vs 1-5 A crippled beggar sitting at Temple gate asks Peter and John for money
2. vs 6-10 Peter heals the cripple and he goes with them to the Temple, walking and leaping and praising God
B. vs 11-26 Peter uses the miracle as a platform to preach the Gospel
1. vs 11-16 Peter says that it is because of the Name of Jesus that the man is healed
2. vs 17-23 Peter tells the crowd to repent
3. vs 24-26 Peter says all the prophets from Samuel on foretold these days

Acts 2

II Pentecost
A. vs 1-13 The Holy Spirit Fills the Believers
1. vs 1-4 The Holy Spirit fills the believers and they begin to speak in other tongues
2. vs 5-13 A crowd gathers and each of them begin to hear the wonders of God in their own languages
B. vs 14-41 Peter preaches
1. vs 14-16 Peter stands up to address the crowd
2. vs 17-21 Peter quotes the Old Testament book of Joel
3. vs 22-24 Peter preaches the gospel
4. vs 25-28 Peter quotes Psalms
5. vs 29-33 Peter says God raised Jesus from the dead
6. vs 34-36 Peter says Jesus is both Lord and Christ
7. vs 37 The people want to know what they should do with this information
8. vs 38-39 Peter tells them to repent and be baptized
9. vs 40-41 Three thousand were added to the church
C. vs 42-47 The structure of the early church

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Acts 1

I A Disciple is Chosen
A. vs 1-11 Jesus' final instructions before ascending to Heaven
1. vs 1-5 Jesus promises the baptism of the Holy Spirit
2. vs 6 The disciples want to know when Israel will be restored
3. vs 7-8 Jesus says to be His disciple in Jerusalem, Judea, Sumeria, and the uttermost parts of the earth
4. vs 9 Jesus Ascends to heaven
5. vs 10-11 The disciples are told that He will return just as He left
B. The Disciples pick Judas' Replacement
1. vs 12-14 The disciples back to Jerusalem to pray in an upper room with Jesus' family
2. vs 15-17 Peter says that Judas betrayed Jesus
3. vs 18-19 Judas' reward for the betrayal is described
4. vs 20-22 Peter proposes to appoint a new disciple
5. vs 23-26 Matthias is chosen

Monday, March 31, 2008

2 Corinthians 13

XIII Final Admonitions
A. vs 1-4 Paul will prove his apostleship with power when he visits
B. vs 5-10 Examine yourself to see if you are in the faith
C. vs 11-14 Final instructions

What did I learn?
Excel in giving. (Why oh why is this so hard)
Our giving is measured by the sacrifice, not by the amount. (Then have I ever really given anything?)
Sow sparingly, reap sparingly (How different would my life be if I really believed that?)
Our weapons are not carnal, but mighty for demolishing vain arguments. (The Word changes hearts and minds)
Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (How much more his ministers)
Examine yourself and see if you are in the faith (This just isn't taught enough)
And finally...What exactly is a holy kiss?

Friday, March 28, 2008

2 Corinthians 12

XII The Thorn in Paul's Flesh
A. vs 1-6 Paul describes his being taken up into the Third Heaven
B. vs 7-10 Paul's thorn keeps him humble
C. vs 11-13 Signs, wonders, and miracles are the mark of an apostle
D. vs 14-18 Paul will visit the Corinthians for a third time
E. vs 19-21 Paul is afraid of what he will find in the Corinthian Church

2 Corinthians 11

XI Paul is an Apostle
A. vs 1-15 False Apostles
1. vs 1-6 Accept no gospel other than the one Paul preached
2. vs 7-12 Paul did not receive support from the Corinthians when he first came
3. vs 13-15 Satan and his false apostles masquerade as angels of light
B. vs 16-33 Paul's sufferings proclaim him an apostle
1. vs 16-21 The Corinthians will put up with false apostles who treat them poorly more than they will put up with Paul
2. vs 22-29 Paul lists the sufferings he has gone through since his conversion
3. vs 30-33 Paul escaped King Aretas in Damascus

Thursday, March 27, 2008

2 Corinthians 10

X Paul Defends His Ministry
A. vs 1-6 Our weapons of warfare are not worldly but Godly
B. vs 7-11 Paul will be in person who he is in his letters
C. vs 12-18 Paul boasts as one approved by God

2 Corinthians 9

IX Sow Generously and You Will Reap Generously
A. vs 1-5 Paul encourages the Corinthians to give generously so they won't be embarrassed
B. vs 6-9 Give generously and cheerfully
C. vs 10-11 God will enlarge our harvest of righteousness as we give generously
D. vs 12-15 Men will praise God because of your generosity

2 Corinthians 8

VIII Give Generously
A. vs 1-15 The Macedonians gave generously and Paul uses them as a model
1. vs 1-7 Paul encourages the Corinthians to excel in the grace of giving
2. vs 8-9 Paul uses the standard of the Macedonians to judge the Corinthians
3. vs 10-12 The acceptability of the gift is determined by the willingness to give it
4. vs 13-15 Paul's desire is that there would be equality within the Body of Christ
B. vs 16-24 Paul sends Titus to Corinth
1. vs 16-21 Paul wants Titus to oversee thew administration of the gift to avoid criticism
2. vs 22-24 Paul encourage to Corinthians to treat Titus and another man well

2 Corinthians 7

VII Paul's Joy that His previous Letter was received well
A. vs 1 Keep yourself pure and holy before God
B. vs 2-4 Paul's joy knows no bounds
C. vs 5-7 Titus comforted Paul
D. vs 8-12 Godly sorrow brings repentance
E. vs 13-16 Paul was grateful for the way they treated Titus

What I learned
God comforts (and afflicts)
God sets the seal of His ownership on us (The Holy Spirit)
Do not peddle the Word of God for a profit (God want us righteous not rich)
The glory of the Old Covenant is fading (But how great the glory of the New!)
The god of this age has blinded unbelievers (And God will open them through preaching)
The Spirit in us GUARANTEES what is to come (We need not worry)
We are a new creation (The old has passed away)
Godly sorrow brings repentance (don't be afraid to offend)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

2 Corinthians 6

VI Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers
A. vs 1-2 Today is the day of salvation
B. vs 3-13 What Paul has endured
1. vs 3-10 Paul list the hardships he has faced for following and preaching Christ
2. vs 11-13 Paul exhorts the Corinthians to not hold back their love from him
C. vs 14-18 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers

2 Corinthians 5

V Heaven is coming and our Ministry of Reconciliation
A. vs 1-10 Our earthly body will pass away and be replaced by a heavenly body
1. vs 1-5 God made us with the purpose of having a heavenly body
2. vs 6-10 We always try to please God because we will be judged by Him
B. vs 11-21 The Ministry of Reconciliation
1. vs 11-15 Beause Christ died for us, we should live for Him
2. vs 16-21 God made us a new creation in order to reconcile us to Him

Friday, March 21, 2008

2 Corinthians 4

IV God has put His Treasure in Jars of Clay
A. vs 1-6 We preach clearly and truthfully that all can see the light of the knowledge of the glory of Christ
B. vs 7-12 God shows His mighty power in weak human vessels so He can be glorified
C. vs 13-15 The God who raised Jesus will also raise us along with all believers
D. vs 16-18 Fix your eyes not on the light and momentary troubles of this life but on the eternal reward to come.

2 Corinthians 3

III New Covenant Glory
A. vs 1-3 The Corinthian Church was Paul's letter of recommendation to the world
B. vs 4-6 Being ministers of the New Covenant gives us confidence
C. vs 7-11 The glory of the New Covenant surpasses the glory of the Old
D. vs 12-18 The Spirit of the Lord gives freedom to the believers

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

2 Corinthians 2

II Forgive the repentant brother
A. vs 1-4 Paul decided to spare the Corinthians a painful visit
B. vs 5-11 After disciplining a brother, reaffirm your love for him
C. vs 12-13 Paul went to Macedonia when he could not find Titus in Troas
D. vs 14-17 We are the aroma of Christ to the world

2 Corinthians 1

I God of Comfort; All His Promises are Yes and Amen
A. vs 1-11 God is a God that comforts
1. vs 1-2 Opening Greeting
2. vs 3-7 Even in sufferings, Gods comfort is abundant
3. vs 8-11 God gave Paul trials so he would rely on God's strength
B. vs 12-24 Paul had to make a change of plans
1. vs 12-14 Paul has conducted himself rightly with the Corinthians
2. vs 15-17 Paul planned to go to Corinth twice
3. vs 18-22 God's promises are always "Yes" in Christ
4. vs 23-24 Paul did not go to Corinth to spare the Corinthians

Sunday, March 16, 2008

1 Corinthians 16

XVI Odds and Ends
A. vs 1-4 Instructions for taking up an offering
B. vs 5-9 Paul will stay in Corinth as he passes through Macedonia
C. vs 10-11 Paul tells the church to take car of Timothy
D. vs 12-14 Do everything in love
E. vs 15-18 Paul gives recognition to the household of Stephanas
F. vs 19-24 Paul closes the letter

What did I learn?
This is where I want to go teach about Spiritual Gifts. (Even more than Acts 2)
Paul said to follow him as he followed Christ (I don't think I would ever say that)
We should examine ourselves before communion (Have I ever heard this taught?)
Love, love, love (and more love)
I should eagerly desire spiritual gifts (How do cessationists get past this verse)
Worship services should involve more people using their gifts (How should this be incorporated in today's church?)
He is Risen (He is risen indeed!)
and finally, Paul went to Ephesus because he knew many people would oppose him (and called it a great door for effective work!)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

1 Corinthians 15

XV Teachings on the Resurrection of Christ, of Believers, and the Resurrection body
A. vs 1-11 The Resurrection of Christ
1. vs 1-2 Hold firmly to the Gospel that will save you
2. vs 3-8 Christ was buried and raised on the third day
3. vs 9-11 True grace causes good works
B. vs 12-34 The Dead will be Resurrected
1. vs 12-19 If there is no resurrection of the dead, Christ was not raised and if Christ was not raised your faith in Him is useless
2. vs 20-28 Christ's resurrection means that God will put everything under Him
3. vs 29-34 Never think that there will be no resurrection
C. vs 35-58 Paul describes the Resurrection body
1. vs 35-41 Our resurrection bodies will be similar to our earthly body
2. vs 42-44 Our natural body is sown like a seed
3. vs 45-49 First the earthly, then then the spiritual
4. vs 50-57 We will all be changed at the last trumpet and death will be defeated
5. vs 58 Be confident in this and work hard for the Lord

1 Corinthians 14

XIV Spiritual Gifts and Worship
A. vs 1-25 Instructions for Tongues and Prophecy
1. vs 1-5 Tongues edifies the speaker, prophecy edifies the Church
2. vs 6-12 Seek to excel in the gifts that will edify others
3. vs 13-17 If you pray in tongues in church, ask God for the interpretation
4. vs 18-19 It's better to speak with real words in public rather than tongues
5. vs 20-21 Be mature in your thinking about tongues and prophecy
6. vs 22-25 Prophecying glorifies God to the point that unbelievers can be convinced of God's presence when they hear it.
B. vs 26-40 All the gifts should be used in an orderly way
1. vs 26-28 When the church comes together, everyone one should be prepared to use the gifts given to them
2. vs 29-33 The spirit of the prophet is controlled by the prophet, prophecies should be done in an orderly way in the service
3. vs 34-35 Women are not permitted to ask questions during a church service
4. vs 36-38 All prophets should agree with what Paul has written
5. vs 39-40 Be eager to use your gifts in an orderly way

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

1 Corinthians 13

XIII The Love Chapter
A. vs 1-3 Love is more important than the greatest of deeds
B. vs 4-7 Attributes of Love
C. vs 8-13 Love will never fail or cease

1 Corinthians 12

XII Spiritual Gifts working in the Body of Christ
A. vs 1-11 Spiritual Gifts
1. vs 1-3 The Holy Spirit allows us to say Jesus is Lord
2. vs 4-6 God works in different ways through different people
3. vs 7-11 Paul list the Gifts of the Spirit
B. vs 12-30 The Body of Christ
1. vs 12-13 All believers are in the Body of Christ
2. vs 14-20 Each believer is a different part of the Body
3. vs 21-26 Even though we each are different we are all connected in to one Body
4. vs 27-30 Paul list some jobs available in the body

1 Corinthians 11

XI Men and Women in church; The Lord's Supper
A. vs 1-16 The roles of Men and Women in Worship
1. vs 1-2 Follow Paul's example and teaching
2. vs 3-10 Christ is the Head of Man, Man is the Head of Woman
3. vs 11-16 Man and Woman are dependant upon each other
B. vs 17-34 The Lord's Supper
1. vs 17-22 A lack of unity was a church's embarrasment
2. vs 23-26 Christ established the Lord's Supper on the night before His crucifixion
3. vs 27-32 If we take the Lord's supper in an unworthy manner, without self-examination, we bring judgment on ourselves
4. vs 33-34 When you take the Lord's Supper, do it as one body at the same time, in unity

Saturday, March 8, 2008

1 Corinthians 9

IX The Rights and Priviledges of the Apostles
A. vs 1-2 The Corinthians are the seal of Paul's Apostleship
B. vs 3-6 The Apostles have the right to certain comforts as they spread the Gospel
C. vs 7-12 Shouldn't Apostles have the right to expect support from the churchs they invest themselves into
D. vs 12-14 The Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel be supported by the gospel
E. vs 15-18 Paul is compelled to preach the gospel
F. vs 19-23 We must become all things to all people to reach them for the Gospel
G. vs 24-27 Run your race in such a way to get a crown

Thursday, March 6, 2008

1 Corinthians 8

VIII Food Sacrificed to Idols
A. vs 1-3 Knowledge puffs up, love builds up
B. vs 4-6 There are no real idols, just God
C. vs 7-8 Food does not bring us closer to God
D. vs 9-13 Don't let your freedom be a stumbling block to a weaker brother

1 Corinthians 7

VII Christian Instruction on Marriage
A. vs 1-7 Married couples should not deprive each other as a rule
B. vs 8-9 It is better to marry than burn with lust
C. vs 10-11 Do not divorce
D. vs 12-14 Believers should not divorce unbelievers
E. vs 15-16 If an unbeliever leaves the marriage, let him (or her)
F. vs 17-24 Keeping God's commands is what counts
G. vs 25-28 You can remain unmarried or get married
H. vs 29-31 Remain as you are and focus on God
I. vs 32-35 Unmarried people can focus solely on God
J. vs 36-38 You can marry a virgin if you want
K. vs 39-40 A woman is bound to her husband for as long as he lives

Monday, March 3, 2008

1 Corinthians 6

VI Lawsuits in the church; Dealing with sexual immorality in the church
A. vs 1-11 Lawsuits among believers
1. vs 1-6 The saints will judge the world so it can definitely judge disputes within the church
2. vs 7-8 It is better to be cheated than to bring a suit against a brother
3. vs 9-11 The immoral will not inherit the Kingdom of God
B. vs 12-20 Sexual Immorality
1. vs 12-17 Do not have sex with prostitutes
2. vs 18-20 Flee sexual immorality because we have been bought and are no longer our own

1 Corinthians 1-5

Another week gone and what did I learn?

God will keep us strong to the end so we will be blameless. (Thank God it doesn't depend on me)
Paul wished for unity in the church (Unified to what? Doctrine!)
God's power confirmed Paul's words. (Why do some believe this has stopped?)
I need to do more research on 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 (How can what I have done be burned up and still be saved? Aren't they the good works God prepared for me to do?)
If you have been given a trust you must prove faithful (The burden of leadership is a heavy one)
Kick the sexually immoral brother out of the church (Is church discipline even practiced anymore?)

Good times!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

1 Corinthians 5

V Do not associate with the sexually immoral
A. vs 1-5 Pass judgement on a brother's sin and hand him over to Satan
B. vs 6-8 Paul compares removing the immoral from the church to removing the yeast during the Passover Festival
C. vs 9-11 Do not associate with someone who says they are a brother in the Lord and persists in sin
D. vs 12-13 Don't waste your time judging the world, judge the church

Thursday, February 28, 2008

1 Corinthians 4

IV Apostles of Christ
A. vs 1-5 The Lord will judge our faithfulness to our calling
B. vs 6-7 Don't take pride in having been discipled by one apostle verses another
C. vs 8-13 Paul sarcastically says that he has become scum while the Corinthian church has been elevated
D. vs 14-17 Paul tells the Corinthians to imitate him
E. vs 18-21 The Kingdom of God is one of power

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

1 Corinthians 3

III Divisions in the Church
A. vs 1-4 They are not ready for Spiritual Meat because they are splintered
B. vs 5-9 Some plant, others water, but only God can make something grow
C. vs 10-15 Our works will be tested with fire
D. vs 16-17 We are the temple of the Holy Spirit
E. vs 18-23 Worldly wisdom is foolishness in the sight of God

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

1 Corinthians 2

II God gives wisdom
A. vs 1-5 Paul's preaching was confirmed by the power of God so the Corinthians could safely base their faith on it
B. vs 6-10 God has revealed His secret wisdom to us
C. vs 11-16 The Spirit reveals the wisdom of God to believers only

Monday, February 25, 2008

1 Corinthians 1

I The Cross is God's Wisdom Revealed
A. vs 1-3 Introduction
B. vs 4-9 Paul thanks God for the church in Corinth
C. vs 10-17 Divisions within the church
1. vs 10-12 Paul asks for unity within the church
2. vs 13-17 God sent Paul to preach a gospel of unity in Christ
D. vs 18-31 God saves through the foolishness of preaching
1. vs 18-19 The wisdom of the cross is revealed to those being saved
2. vs 20-25 God has used the foolishness of the cross to confound the wisdom of the world
3. vs 26-31 God chose the weak and foolish to shame the strong and wise for His glory

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mark 8

VIII Jesus feeds the 4 Thousand and predicts His death
A. vs 1-13 Jesus feeds the Four Thousand
1. vs 1-3 A crowd has been with Jesus for 3 ays with no food
2. vs 4-5 The disciples tell Jesus they have 7 loaves
3. vs 6-10 Jesus uses the loaves and a few fish to feed the entire crowd
4. vs 11-13 The Pharasees ask Jesus for a sign
B. vs 14-21 Jesu says to beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod
1. vs 14-15 When the disciples discover they have forgotten to bring bread, Jesus tells them to beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod
2. vs 16 The disciples think He said that because they forgot bread
3. vs 17-21 Jesus asks them how much bread was left over after the feeding miracles and then asks if they understand His statement about the yeast
C. vs 22-26 The healing of the Blind man at Bethsaida
1. vs 22-23 Jesus spits in a blind man's eyes to heal him
2. vs 24 The man says he can see people but they look like trees
3. vs 25-26 Jesus lays His hands on him again and he is completely healed
D. vs 27-30 Peter call Jesus the Christ
E. vs 31-38 Jesus predicts His death
1. vs 31-32 Jesus teaches His Disciples that He will be killed by the elders, chief Priests, and teachers of the law
2. vs 33 Peter tries to rebuke Jesus and Jesus rebukes Him
3. vs 34-38 To follow Christ we must deny ourselves and take up His cross

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mark 7

VII What is Clean and Unclean
A. vs 1-23 Jesus declares all food "Clean" or Kosher
1. vs 1-4 The Pharisees see the Disciples eat with ceremonially unclean hands
2. vs 5 The Pharisees want to know why Jesus allows this to happen
3. vs 6-8 Jesus accuses the Pharisees of letting go of the commands of God for the traditions of men
4. vs 9-13 Jesus gives examples of the Pharisees doing this
5. vs 14-16 What comes out of a man can make him unclean
6. vs 17-19 Jesus declares all foods clean
7. vs 20-23 From men's hearts come unclean things
B. vs 24-30 Syrophoenician woman
1. vs 24-26 A Syrophoenician woman asks Jesus to heher daughter
2. vs 27 Jesus says healing is only for the children of God (Jews)
3. vs 28 The woman says she will be content with crumbs from the children's table
4. vs 29-30 Jesus heals her daughter
C. vs 31-37 The Healing of a deaf mute
1. vs 31-32 Jesus travels to the Decapolis where the people ask Him to heal a deaf and mute man
2. vs 33-35 Jesus heals the man
3. vs 36-37 The people are amazed by Him

Friday, February 22, 2008

Mark 6

VI The Feeding of the Five Thousand
A. vs 1-6 A prophet is without honor in His own hometown
1. vs 1-2 Jesus begins to teacj in His hometown synagogue
2. vs 2-3 The people are offended by His teaching
3. vs 4-6 Jesus is amazed by their lack of faith
B. vs 6-13 Jesus sends out the Twelve Apostles
1. vs 6-7 Jesus sends out the Twelve with authority over evil spirits
2. vs 8-11 Jesus gives instructions for their journey
3. vs 12-13 They preached, anointed and delivered many people
C. vs 14-29 John the Baptist is murdered
1. vs 14-15 When people begin to hear of His miracles they compare Him to John the Baptist
2. vs 16 Herod thinks Jesus is John returned from the dead
3. vs 17-20 Herod imprisoned John because he preached against Herod's taking his brother's wife
4. vs 21-23 The daughter of Herodias dances for Herod and Herod tells her she can have anything she wants
5. vs 24-25 Herodias tells her daughter to ask for the head of John the Baptist
6. vs 26-29 John is beheaded and his disciples came and take the body for burial
D. vs 30-44 Jesus feeds the Five Thousand
1. vs 30-31 Jesus pulls His Disciples away to rest
2. vs 32-34 The crowd follows and Jesus begins to teach them
3. vs 35-36 The disciples tell Jesus to send the people away so they can eat
4. vs vs 37 Jesus tells the Disciples to feed them and the Disciple say it would cost to much
5. vs 38-44 Jesus takes the few supplies they have and uses them to miraculously feed all the people there
E. vs 45-56 Jesus Walks on the Water
1. vs 45-46 Jesus sends His disciples away by boat and goes on a mountaintop to pray
2. vs 47-50 Jesus walks on the water to the boat and scares the disciples
3. vs 50-52 He tells them to not be afraid and gets in to the boat
4. vs 53-56 When they land the crowd again asks Him to heal their sick

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mark 16

XVI He is Risen
A. vs 1-3 Mary Magdalene, Mary, and Salome go to the tomb to anoint His body
B. vs 4-5 They find the stone rolled away and a young man in the tomb
C. vs 6-8 The young man tells the women that Christ is risen
D. vs 9-11 Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene
E. vs 12-13 Jesus appeared to two disciples
F. vs 14 Jesus appeared to the Eleven
G. vs 15-18 Jesus gives the Great Commision
H. vs 19-20 Jesus ascended to Heaven and the disciples went out to preach

All done with another week. What did I learn?

I need to find out why Jesus cursed the fig tree when it wasn't even time for the fig tree to have figs. (Yeah, I got the rest figured out ;))
Don't try to trick Jesus, He's smarter than you. (How many people left Him feeling dumb)
The greatest commandment isn't even in the 10 Commandments. (Why not the 2 Commandments?)
The end is coming. (And only those that endure till the end are saved)
There is an election (More and more on my way to being a full-fledged Calvinist)
Judas was terrible, and the crucifixion horrible, but the resurrection? Amazing. (Thank you God)
And finally, HE IS RISEN (He is Risen indeed)

Next week, review week, and I'll work on those passages from Mark I didn't do.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Mark 15

XV The Crucifixion
A. vs 1-15 Standing before Pilate
1. vs 1 Sanhedrin hands Jesus over to Pilate
2. vs 2-5 Jesus refuses to answer His accusers
3. vs 6-8 The Jews came to Pilate and asked He release a prisoner
4. vs 9-11 The chief Priests stir up the crowd to release Barabbas
5. vs 12-15 The crowd calss foe Jesus' crucifixion
B. vs 16-20 The soldiers beat oand mock Jesus
C. vs 21-32 The crucifixion
1. vs 21-24 Jesus is crucified at Golgotha
2. vs 25-30 The crowd calls for Him to come down and save Himself
3. vs 31-32 The chief Priests mock Him
D. vs 33-41 Jesus Dies
1. vs 33-34 Jesus cries out to God
2. vs 35-36 The crowd thinks He is calling for Elijah
3. vs 37-39 Jesus dies and the temple curtain is torn in two
4. vs 40-41 Women who were close to Jesus watched His crucifixion
E. vs 42-47 Jesus is Buried

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Mark 14

XIV The Final Passover, Betrayal, and Trial of Jesus
A. vs 1-11 A woman anoints Jesus
1. vs 1-2 The leaders are looking for a way to arrest Jesus
2. vs 3 A woman breaks an alabaster jar of expensive perfume over the head of Jesus
3. vs 4-5 The men rebuke the woman for wasting the perfume
4. vs 6-9 Jesus says this was done to prepare Him for burial
5. vs 10-11 Judas decides to betray Jesus
B. vs 12-26 The Final Passover Meal
1. vs 12 The disciples ask Jesus where he wants to celebrate Passover
2. vs 13-15 Jesus tells the disciples how to find the upper room
3. vs 16-19 Jesus arrives at the upper room and reveals His imminent betrayal
4. vs 20-21 It will be better for His betrayer that he was never born
5. vs 22-26 Jesus eats the Passover and leaves for the Mount of Olives
C. vs 27-31 Jesus says His disciples will deny Him and Peter says he will not
D. vs 32-42 Jesus goes to the garden of Gethsemane
1. vs 32-34 Jesus leaves His disciples in the garden to go pray
2. vs 35-36 Jesus says "Not my will, but Yours"
3. vs 37-38 Jesus finds the disciples have fallen asleep
4. vs 39-40 Jesus finds the disciple asleep again
5. vs 41-42 Jesus tells them His betrayer is coming
E. vs 43-52 Jesus is Arrested in the garden
1. vs 43 Judas appears with a mob
2. vs 44-47 Judas signals the mob by kissing Jesus
3. vs 48-50 Jesus is arrested and His disciples flee
4. vs 51-52 A young man (Mark?) flees naked from the garden
F. vs 53-65 Jesus is brought before the Sanhedrin
1. vs 53-54 Jesus goes before the High Priest and Peter follows at a distance
2. vs 55-56 The Sanhedrin looks for reasons to put Jesus to death
3. vs 57-59 The stories of His accusers do not agree
4. vs 60-61 Jesus remains silent through the questions
5. vs 62 Jesus says He is the Christ
6. vs 63-65 They condemn and beat Jesus
G. vs 66-72 Peter denies Christ 3 times
1. vs 66-68 Peter denies Christ to a servant girl
2. vs 69-70 Peter denies Christ twice more to those nearby
3. vs 71-72 Peter remembers what Christ said earlier

Mark 13

XIII Signs of the End of History
A. vs 1-2 Jesus says all the buildings around them will be torn down
B. vs 3-4 The disciples want to know when the end will come
C. vs 5-8 Jesus says there will be wars, earthquakes, and famines
D. vs 9-11 The gospel must be preached to all nations
E. vs 12-13 Only those who stand firm until the end will be saved
F. vs 14-25 When you see the signs, run!
G. vs 26-27 Christ will gather His elect
H. vs 28-31 Heaven and earth will pass awy but Christ's words will remain.
I. vs 32-34 Only the Father knows when the Son will return
J. vs 35-37 Don't be caught sleeping when He returns

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mark 12

I found an old friend on the internet today. Joel Eason was the last Youth Pastor I worked under before I became a Youth Pastor myself. He is now the Pastor at Bridgeway church in FL. I downloaded his last sermon and it was such a joy to hear his voice again! I'm so glad that he has started a successful church and will add him to my prayer list.

XII Jesus continues to teach and answer questions
A. vs 1-12 The Parable of the Tenants and the Vineyard
1. vs 1-5 A man owned a vineyard and sent servants to collect the crop. The tenants killed the servants.
2. vs 6-8 The owner sent His Son and the tenants killed Him also.
3. vs 9-12 The Owner will kill the tenants and give the vineyard to others
B. vs 13-17 Should Jesus pay taxes?
1. vs 13-14 The people want to know if they should pay taxes to Caesar
2. vs 15-17 Jesus says to give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's
C. vs 18-27 What form will marriage take at the Resurrection?
1. vs 18-23 The Saducees ask a difficult question concerning marraige to Jesus
2. vs 24-27 Jesus answers the question then corrects the Saducees understanding of the Resurrection
D. vs 28-34 What is the Greatest Commandment?
1. vs 28 One of the teachers ask Jesus what the Greatest Commandment is
2. vs 29-31 Jesus answers him
3. vs 32-33 The teacher agrees with His answer
4. vs 34 Jesus tells the teacher that he is not far from the kingdom of Heaven
E. vs 35-40 How is the Christ David's son?
1. vs 35-37 Jesus asks how the Christ can be David's son
2. vs 38-40 Jesus warns the people about the teachers of the law.
F. vs 41-44 Jesus teaches his disciples using a widow's offering

Monday, February 11, 2008

So I've gone a whole week without posting. Why? you ask. Just laziness more than anything. I read what I wanted to read but now I am seeing that I haven't retained it as well as other weeks of reading because I didn't write anything about it. So one day this week I'm going to go back and outline Chapters 6-10 and look at them again. But for now I will skip directly to chapter 11.

XI Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, clearing of the Temple
A. vs 1-11 Jesus enters Jerusalem
1. vs 1-3 Jesus sends His disciples to find a colt
2. vs 4-11 Jesus enters to shouts of "Hosanna" then leaves for Bethany
B. vs 12-19 Jesus clears the Temple
1. vs 12-14 Jesus curses a fig tree
2. vs 15-17 Jesus overturns the temple tables
3. vs 18-19 The Priests begin looking for a way to kill Him
C. vs 20-26 The withered Fig Tree
1. vs 20-21 Peter notices the withered fig tree
2. vs 22-26 Jesus teaches us to believe we have received what we ask for in prayer
D. vs 27-33 Jesus is questioned
1. vs 27-28 Jesus is asked by whose authority He is teaching
2. vs 29-30 Jesus asks whose authority John's teaching was from
3. vs 31-33 The teachers can not answer so Jesus refuses to answer their questions

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Another week! I just got back from watching the Super Bowl and I was not expecting a game like that! Low scoring, defensive football and one absolutely crazy pass from Manning to Tyree. Is it wrong to be happy that the Patriots lost? However, if history is any indication, I won't even remember this game in 6 months.

I think I'm going to do something new on Sundays and try to come up with the main idea of each chapter I read. Something that is easily memorizable so I can say things like "Parable of the Sower? That's in Mark Chapter 4!" and impress my friends and wow the ladies.

1 - Jesus is Baptized
2 - Jesus heals the Paralytic his friends drop through the roof
3 - Jesus Appoints the Twelve Disciples
4 - The Parable of the Sower
5 - The Demoniac of the Gadarenes

So, what did I learn?
People can be in the church and have a demon. (But they can't be in Christ and have a demon)
Jesus got up early in the morning to pray. (I get up early in the morning to pee)
The paralytic's friends wanted him healed so desperately they were willing to do whatever it took to get him in front of Jesus. (What have I done for my friends?)
Whoever does God's will is in God's family (and those who don't do God's will....)
Understanding the Parable of the Sower is key to understanding all the parables. (I should probably spend some time on that)

Before I forget, I think I'm going to start taking note of every time someone comes to Christ for healing versus the times Christ goes to the person and asks if they want to be healed. I've noticed that there are a few differences when that happens and I'd like to see what those differences are.

Well, tomorrow I will continue with Mark Chapters 6-10. See ya then.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mark 5

V Jesus heals a demon possessed man, a bleeding woman, and a dead girl
A. vs 1-20 Jesus heals the Demoniac of the Gadarenes
1. vs 1-5 Jesus meets the demon possessed man
2. vs 6-8 The demons do not want Jesus to torture them
3. vs 9-10 Jesus gets the demons' name
4. vs 11-13 Jesus sends the demons into some pigs
5. vs 14-17 The surrounding people ask Jesus to leave
6. vs 18-20 Jesus tells the man to stay and testify to what God did for him
B. vs 21-43 Jesus heals a sick woman and a dead girl
1. vs 21-24 Jairus asks Jesus to heal his daughter
2. vs 25-29 A woman touches Jesus' cloak in order to be healed
3. vs 30-31 Jesus wants to know who touched Him
4. vs 32-34 The woman shows herself to Jesus
5. vs 35-36 Jairus is told his daughter is dead and Jesus tells him to just believe
6. vs 37-40 Jesus tells the mourners that the girl is asleep and they laugh at Him
7. vs 41-43 Jesus raises the girl from the dead

Daughter, your faith has healed you
Mark 5:34

I have to confess that I have always been a little unsure of how healings happen. I know they do happen because I see them in Scripture and I have seen them happen right in front of me. But the mechanics of it have always puzzled me. In this verse we see the woman taking all the initiative to come to Jesus and is even told that it is her faith that healed her. This sounds almost like heresy! Isn't healing a sovereign work of God? How much of my healing depends on my faith? Obviously my faith is of some importance but I have known lots of people who have believed for healings and didn't get them. Was there something wrong with their faith? I think the answer lies somewhere in the middle. The faith we have is an important component in whether or not we are healed but not the only part. We cannot be healed outside of the Will of God. What I mean is no matter what our faith is, if God does not want to heal us, He won't. I know some say that God always wants to heal us and that may be His perfect will, not it is obviously not His permissive will or we would all be healed all the time. He allows trials and sickness in our lives sometimes because it's what is best for His purpose for our lives. We may not know on this side of life why we are going through things but we will see with perfect clarity when we are with Him in Glory. In the meantime, have faith and believe God for the best and who knows? He might bring the healing you are seeking.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Mark 3 & 4

Well I finished my fast last night. The whole month of January with no sweets or meat. And guess what I had at midnight. That's right. Chocolate! Mmmm....chocolate. Tonight? Steak. Mmmm....steak.

III Jesus heals, teaches, appoints Apostles
A. vs 1-6 Jesus heals a man wih a withered hand
1. vs 1-4 Jesus asks the people in a synagogue if it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath
2. vs 5-6 Jesus healed the man's hand; the Pharasees and Herodians began to plot together against Christ
B. vs 7-12 Jesus gatheres crowds; the evil spirits knew He was the Son of God
C. vs 13-19 Jesus designated the Twelve Apostles
D. vs 20-30 Jesus teaches on the nature of Satan
1. vs 20-21 Jesus' family think that He is out of His mind
2. vs 22 The teachers think He is performing miracles by the power of Beelzebub
3. vs 23-27 Satan can not drive out Satan and a house divided will fall
4. vs 28-30 Blasphemies against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven
E. vs 31-35 Jesus says that whoever does His will is His family

IV Jesus teaches in parables
A. vs 1-20 The Parable of the Sower
1. vs 1-9 Jesus gives the Parable to the crowd
2. vs 10-12 Jesus explains to the Apostles why He gives the Parables with no explinations to the crowds
3. vs 13-20 Jesus gives the Parable's explanation to the Apostles
B. vs 21-23 Jesus says that whatever is hidden will be exposed
C. vs 24-25 Whoever has will be given more, whoever does not have will have what little they have taken from them
D. vs 26-29 The Kingdom of God is like seed growing in a field
E. vs 30-34 The Kingdom of God is like a Mustard Seed
F. vs 35-41 Jesus calms the storm; amazes the Apostles

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I just got finished watching the movie "Juno". If you haven't seen it the main gist of the movie is a 16 year old girl gets pregnant, decides against abortion and chooses to give the baby up for adoption. All in all the movie is pretty good but there was one scene in particular that really struck me as being very true. When she tells her parents about the pregnancy, her dad says that he is surprised because he thought she was the kind of girl who "knew when to say when". Her reply is "Dad, I don't really know what kind of girl I am".
This is way too true for way to many teenagers. No one is telling them what kind of person they should be and what it means to be conformed to the image of Christ so they are just being whatever they feel like being. I was listening to a young lady on the radio explain why she left the church when she went to college. She said she wanted to experience college in all its fullness and she knew she couldn't do that and call herself a christian. She left the church only to return upon graduation. Can a saved person wander away like that then wander back? No! We either love Christ or we don't. We are either commited or we are not. I don't think there a pew-warming christians, you are bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God or you are lost. This is the message that needs to be preached so our young people hear it. How will they know what God requires if they never hear about it? Again, it all goes back to solid, biblical doctrine being preached passionately and consistantly.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mark 2

I'm finally caught up. All three seasons of Battlestar Galactica, the 4 hour pilot, and BSG:Razor, all watched and thoroughly enjoyed. It is easy to see why so many people watch it and I am really looking forward to the final season. Although, how convenient is it that there is a Cylon in the most important positions in the fleet. The XO? The President's assistant? The Chief Engineer? Starbuck's husband? This stretches credibility a tad but I guess it's not exciting if it's some low level muckity-muck.

II Jesus continues to heal; call disciples; teach
A. vs 1-17 Jesus heals the paralytic that is lowered through the roof
1. vs 1-5 Jesus travels to Capernaum; a paralytic's friends lower him through the roof where Jesus is teaching
2. vs 6-7 Other teachers of the law take offensive to Jesus telling the paralytic that his sins are forgiven
3. vs 8-12 Jesus proves His authority to forgive sins by healing the paralytic
B. vs 13-17 Jesus calls Levi (Matthew)
1. vs 13-14 Jesus calls Levi out of the tax collectors booth
2. vs 15-17 Matthew gives a dinner for Jesus and invites his tax collector friends
C. vs 18-22 Jesus explains why His disciples are not fasting
1. vs 18-20 His disciples won't fast until He leaves them
2. vs 21-22 Do not put a new patch on old cloth or new wine in old wineskins
D. vs 23-28 Jesus explains why it is OK for His disciples to pick grain on the Sabbath
1. vs 23-24 The disciple pick grain and offend the Pharasees
2. vs 25-26 Jesus gives the example of David eating the shewbread to justify His disciples actions
3. vs 27-28 Jesus explains that the Sabbath is meant to serve man, not the other way around

On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
Mark 2:17

This verse is interesting to me because the Bible makes it so clear in other places that there is "none righteous, no not one". If Jesus came to deal with sinners He certainly came to the right place, but who are these righteous people He is referring to? This has to mean that He is calling the ones who think they are sinners as opposed to those why think they are righteous. This illustrates how deadly the sin of pride is. It is pride that blinds us to our own sinfulness and keeps us from rightly assessing ourselves by His standards. This why it is so important when sharing your faith to show people where they stand in relationship to the Law of God. This helps break through the wall of pride and shows people the depth of sin they wallow in. We all think we are good people because we measure ourselves by the standard of other "good" people. When put next to these people I don't look so bad, but when measured against the law I see I'm not even close. I might as well try jumping to the moon or swimming to the bottom of the deepest part of the Pacific. When I see myself in this light, as a sinner in desperate need of God's grace, that's when He calls me, that's when I can hear His voice.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Mark 1

Well the first thing you realize after reading epistles for weeks then jumping to a gospel is that the chapters are MUCH longer in the gospels. However, I sometimes enjoy reading the stories of what Jesus did more than the sometimes drier theology in the epistles. The gospels usually have a little more drama than other New Testament books.

I Jesus begins His ministry
A. vs 1-8 John the Baptist prepares Israel for the coming Messiah
1. vs 1-3 John's coming is prophesied by Isaiah
2. vs 4-8 Judea and Jerusalem respond to John's teaching
B. vs 9-13 Jesus is Baptized and Tempted
1. vs 9-11 Baptism and Annunciation of Christ
2. vs 12-13 Jesus goes to the desert for 40 days and is tempted by Satan
C. vs 14-20 Jesus begins public ministry; Begins calling Disciples
1. vs 14-15 Jesus begins ministry with a call to repent
2. vs 16-18 Jesus calls Peter and Andrew
3. vs 19-20 Jesus calls James and John
D. vs 21-28 The people marvel at His teaching
1. vs 21-26 Jesus casts a demon out of a man
2. vs 27-28 News of Christ begins to spread
E. vs 29-34 Jesus continues to heal
1. vs 29-31 Jesus heals Peter's Mother-in-Law
2. vs 32-34 Jesus heals all who gather at Peter's door
F. vs 35-39 Jesus gives reason why He came
1. vs 35-37 Jesus goes off to pray
2. vs 38-39 Jesus came to preach
G. vs 40-45 Jesus heals a man with leprosy
1. vs 40-42 A man begs Him to heal him of his leprosy
2. vs 43-45 The man tells everyone what Christ did and makes it difficult to enter a town

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.
Mark 1:35

Every time I read verses like this one that make Christ's discipline in the area of prayer so apparent, I always feel a pang of guilt because I know that this is one area of my own walk that is sorely lacking. Oh I pray, but not with the discipline and joy that Christ found. Never with the sense of Divine Communion that I'm sure He felt. My mind wanders, I'm unfocused, there is little of the sense that I am touching God's heart. I've taught and been taught on the subject of prayer many times but I always feel like I'm missing something. That there should be something more. I think if there was a Mount of Transfiguration moment every time I went into my prayer time, I would do little else but pray. Perhaps if there were spiritual fireworks, maybe a burning bush, or even some one-on-one time with a God I could touch, prayer would be no problem. It would be a joy, something earnestly looked forward to. Instead, there is silence. But every once in a while, I see something. God answers a prayer in a blatantly obvious way. A decision is made by someone I have been praying for. Someone is healed. A blessing arrives at just the right time. That's when I know. No prayer goes unanswered. The Heavens are not brass. God is not deaf. God is not powerless to move. He is working in us and with us and loves to answer the prayers of his people. When that happens, prayer does become a joy. I do look forward to my prayer time. Perhaps I should pray that I remember those times more readily.

Another week

Done with another week. Titus was very good but covered a lot of the same ground as the two letters to Timothy. Philemon was interesting but I always found it a little manipulative of Paul. Perhaps I should look at it the other way and see the lengths we should go to for a friend. For some reason I put myself in Philemon's place and almost take offensive for him, instead of Onesimus' place and see what Paul was willing to write for him. So, what did I learn.

Titus was given a mission to accomplish on Crete. (What is my mission?)

Leadership must meet qualifications. (Saves a lot of heartache in the future, I'm sure)

Some claim to know God but deny Him by their actions (By their fruit...)

Paul list exactly what Titus should teach and to whom. (Then is given the freedom on how exactly to get the message across)

Don't let anyone despise you. (Easier said than done sometimes)

The Gospel causes people to devote themselves to doing good (How will the people know what God requires of them if the Pastors do not tell them)

The sharing of your faith allows a full understanding of the Gospel (No wonder so many Christians are so shallow theologically)

Good stuff! I think tomorrow I want to start a Gospel. Perhaps Mark. Til then.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Teach Doctrine to Youth

He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.
Titus 1:9

Here Paul is telling Titus what the qualifications are for someone who will be placed in a position of leadership. It begs the question, shouldn't we (as leaders) be training our children in sound doctrine? I don't mean just in the home but shouldn't that be the goal of children's and Youth programs? Why do so many people believe that teenagers can't comprehend good doctrine so you shouldn't try to teach it? I think we are shooting ourselves in the foot because at some point we are going to have to turn the reins of ministry over to the next generation and we need to be sure that there will be a next generation with sound doctrine there to take them. I was doing the math in my head the other day and realized something that really scared me. Our Youth program meets every two weeks. The average youth is in the youth program for 6 years (ages 13-18). That's 26 Youth meetings a year, times 6 years, equals 156. That's only about 150 chances to make sure that they have what they need from me for life and Godliness and sound doctrine. (I know they have parents and a Senior Pastor to teach them as well, but I was thinking just in terms of Youth Ministry). Why waste a lot of time with fluff? Why not make it a point to cover foundational truths, meaty doctrines, Law and Gospel, and what ever else is needed instead of How to Deal with Peer Pressure, or How to be a Good Person or some variation on these themes every youth meeting. Teenagers are smart enough to take in whatever you take the time to teach them. Be Bold and Teach the Word!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I Paul's letter to Philemon concerning Onesimus
A. vs 1-3 Opening greetings
B. vs 4-7 Paul thanks God for Philemon
C. vs 8-11 Paul appeals to Philemon for Onesimus
D. vs 12-16 Paul explains why he is sending Onesimus back
E. vs 17-21 Paul tells Philemon to welcome back Onesimus as he would welcome back Paul
F. vs 22-25 Paul will return to visit Philemon later

I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.
Philemon 6

God uses the act of sharing our faith to more fully open up our understanding of the good things we have in Christ. I have had it happen several times where I am sharing my faith and God gives insight on what to say, or prompts me to take a conversation to a place I normally don't. I always walk away from those encounters with a special sense of peace about what happened and a better understanding that it is God working in me as I am obedient to His Word. I remember the first time something like this happened. We were at Youth Camp in Florida and had taken a trip down to the beach with all the teenagers. Some of my youth had struck up a conversation with two older boys that were already there. When I noticed this I went over to kind of eavesdrop to make sure they weren't in over their head. Eventually I got dragged in to the conversation and in the course of it I was able to answer questions I had never previously given any thought to, and came up with new explanations for what God required of us. It was really a unique time and I knew that God was holding my hand in a sense, walking me through that witnessing encounter. At the end I had a better understanding of the fact that He will never leave or forsake us. That's not just a promise for the here-after but a reality for everyday. As we are bold to obey His Word, he is faithful to give us the ability to see it through.