Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Acts 1

I A Disciple is Chosen
A. vs 1-11 Jesus' final instructions before ascending to Heaven
1. vs 1-5 Jesus promises the baptism of the Holy Spirit
2. vs 6 The disciples want to know when Israel will be restored
3. vs 7-8 Jesus says to be His disciple in Jerusalem, Judea, Sumeria, and the uttermost parts of the earth
4. vs 9 Jesus Ascends to heaven
5. vs 10-11 The disciples are told that He will return just as He left
B. The Disciples pick Judas' Replacement
1. vs 12-14 The disciples back to Jerusalem to pray in an upper room with Jesus' family
2. vs 15-17 Peter says that Judas betrayed Jesus
3. vs 18-19 Judas' reward for the betrayal is described
4. vs 20-22 Peter proposes to appoint a new disciple
5. vs 23-26 Matthias is chosen

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