Thursday, April 10, 2008

Acts 10

X Peter and Cornelius
A. vs 1-8 Cornelius is told by an angel to send for Peter
1. vs 1-3 An angel visits Cornelius
2. vs 4-6 The angel tells where to find Peter
3. vs 7-8 Cornelius sends his men to Peter
B. vs 9-23 Peter receives a vision
1. vs 9-13 Peter receives a vision of all kinds of animals and God tells him to kill and eat
2. vs 14-16 Peter refuses because the animals are unclean and the Lord tells him not to call unclean what God has called clean
3. vs 17-20 After the vision, Cornelius' men arrive and the Spirit says to go with them
4. vs 21-23 Peter invites the gentiles into his house
C. vs 24-48 Peter and Cornelius
1. vs 24-26 Peter goes to Cornelius
2. vs 27-29 Peter tells about his vision
3. vs 30-33 Cornelius relays his vision
4. vs 34-43 Peter shares the gospel with Cornelius and his household
5. vs 44-48 The Holy Spirit comes upon them and Peter baptizes them

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