Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Acts 8

VIII The Gospel Spreads to Samaria
A. vs 1-3 Saul begins to persecute the Church
B. vs 4-25 Philip preaches in Samaria
1. vs 4-8 Philip proclaims Christ in Samaria and many are healed and delivered
2. vs 9-13 Simon the Sorcerer believes the gospel and is baptized
3. vs 14-17 Peter and John are sent to Samaria to baptize the new believers in the Holy Spirit
4. vs 18-19 Simon wants to buy the ability to baptize in the Holy Spirit from the apostles
5. vs 20-23 Peter rebukes Simon and tells him to repent
6. vs 24 Simon asks Peter to pray for him
7. vs 25 Peter and John return to Jerusalem, preaching as they go
C. vs 26-40 Philip and the Ethiopian
1. vs 26-29 An angel directs Philip to an Ethiopian official
2. vs 30-33 Philip asks him if he understands the scroll containing Isaiah that he is reading
3. vs 34-35 Philip uses a passage from Isaiah to preach the gospel of Christ Jesus
4. vs 36-40 The Ethiopian is baptized and Philip is transported to Azotus

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