Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Acts 13

XIII Paul and Barnabas begin their first Missionary journey
A. vs 1-3 Paul and Barnabas are sent out
B. vs 4-12 They Travel to Cyprus
1. vs 4-5 Paul, Barnabas and John go to Cyprus and preach in the Jewish Synagogues
2. vs 6-11 Paul prophesies against Elymas the Sorcerer
3. vs 11-12 Elymas is blinded by God
C. vs 13-52 They travel to Pisidian Antioch
1. vs 13-15 They travel to Pisidian Antioch and preach in the synagogue
2. vs 16-22 Paul recaps the pertinent sections of the O.T.
3. vs 23-25 John the Baptist proclaims the coming Christ
4. vs 26-31 God raised Jesus from the dead and many people witnessed it
5. vs 32-37 Paul lays out some prophecies linking David to the Messiah
6. vs 38-41 Paul says that through Jesus we have forgiveness of sins and warns not to disbelieve what he is saying
7. vs 42-45 They are asked to return the next Sabbath
8. vs 46-48 The Jews reject what he says so Paul goes to the Gentiles
9. vs 49-52 The Word of the Lord spread but Paul and Barnabas are kicked out of the region

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