Thursday, January 3, 2008

Before I get into my Bible study time today I need to get down a dream I just had. I was at church, not preaching but in the pulpit just answering questions from youth. One was on the rapture and as I was answering it, the rapture happened. It was amazing! The room filled with light, it was peaceful, I was expectant but not fearful. As we all began floating up I said "Come, Jesus", apparently I said it in for real because my wife shook me awake to shut me up. As I tried to go back to sleep it was almost depressing to still be in my bed when seconds before I was on my way to Heaven. It did remind though that He can come at any moment and in some respects we should live our lives in anticipation of that Day. (please note, this was just a dream and there was nothing prophetic about it)

Outline for Philippians 2
II Paul exorts the church by the example of Christ to maturity and selflessness
A. vs 1-11 The example of Christ
1. vs 1-4 Live in unity and humility with the brethren
2. vs 5-11 Our attitude should be Christ's
B. vs 12-18 Work out yoiur salvation so you will shine like stars to the world
1. vs 12-13 Work out your own salvation
2. vs 14-18 Be pure so that you shine like stars
C. vs 19-30 Paul's co-laborers Timothy and Epaphroditus
1. vs 19-24 Paul wants to send Timothy to help the Philippian church
2. vs 25-30 Epaphroditus almost died but will return soon

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe
Phil 2: 14-15

Paul is pointing out the missionary aspects of a good attitude. While I firmly believe that we should be bold in sharing our faith, we should also remember that that the world is watching when we are not actively witnessing. Are we able to keep our joy when the chips are down? Do we murmur and complain easily? Are we constantly at war with the people around us? Are we quick to anger, quick to argue, quick to insist on our own way? The implication of this verse is that it is very acts of complaining or arguing that keep us from the purity that God has called us to. Isn't complaining at its root a complaint against God? That he somehow made a mistake when He put you in the position you are in now? If God is sovereign (and He is) doesn't it follow that He is in control? If that is true, why complain? Same with arguing. If it is about something that pertains to the Glory of God then argue away; but if it is just for our own personal well-being or desires, perhaps you should let your flesh die a little and shine like a star. Remember someone is always watching.

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