Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I Timothy 2

II. Instructions on the Congregational Life
A. vs 1-7 Pray for your leaders
B. vs 8 Men should lift holy hands
C. vs 9-15 Women should dress modestly and submit to men

A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.
I Timothy 2:11
Paul's not winning any point with the women's libbers with this verse! When I was deciding what verse to look at for this chapter, I at first discounted all the verses that had to do with how a woman should look and act. After all, I'm not a woman how valid would my commentary be? But this is a prime example of how we should trust that what the Bible says is good for us is actually good for us! This verse may strike my 21st Century ears weird but I know that obeying it is for my best even if I don't entirely understand the thought process behind it. How should a male student of the Word differ from a female student? Should there be a difference? Well obviously there should or Paul would not have made the distinction. And that difference is they should learn in quietness. The next verse says that a woman should not ever teach, or have authority over a man, and she must be quiet. Yeesh! But here is a great example for me. I do not understand it, but do I obey it anyway? Can a woman be a Pastor? I don't think so based on this verse. Can she teach Sunday school? Maybe, because she would be under the authority of the church, but I can't help but think Paul would disapprove.

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